Era dead thanks to gdkp

It’s a server that has been running for 5+ years without any new gold sinks being introduced. Gold is going to continue to inflate regardless of whether or not bots are farming. Yes some of it is certainly due to bots. But that’s the fault of RMT participants and not the fault of GDKP participants. And NO those are not the same.

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Your post reads like early 2000’s climate change denial. A lot of hand waving and blame shifting, with no real ownership over the role you play in the situation that now exists.

At this point it doesn’t matter if a GDKP participants buy gold or not. RMT made our server economies what they are today and GDKP continues to drive that. Whether or not you directly buy gold from 3rd party sellers or not is irrelevant, that’s the source of most of the gold changing hands. You can sit there and pretend you’re blameless all you like but the bottom line is that you’re profiting off of these activities and using those profits to fund your character’s progression. If that’s what you want to do, power to you, but don’t pretend to be ignorant of what built the foundation for the throne you not sit upon.

The premise of Humphrey’s post amounts to “I started from nothing and engaged in the system, look how well I’m doing!” That’s all well and good… if you want to engage with that system. Some of us don’t. Some of us feel that a pay to win model, whatever the source, isn’t the game we signed up to play.

At this point I’m saying, “Hey, you want it, you can have it… give me somewhere else to go.”

Ownership of what? I have nothing to do with RMT. Participating in GDKP doesn’t make me guilty of RMT. And speaking of blame shifting, Blizzardsoft has done a masterful job of getting the players to blame each other for the bot problem instead of their own negligence.

It’s not reasonable to blame GDKP participants for the problem. What would you have me do? Why am I responsible? I just want to play the game. It’s not reasonable to expect me to avoid a loot system that works out very well for me and would otherwise be a perfect loot system. You can’t expect the average player to try and sniff out all the GDKPs that are full of RMTers. You can’t expect the average player who is already tied into a guild and a community to suddenly abandon their guild’s raids because some or all of them use a GDKP loot system. Is it at all reasonable to ask someone to stop raiding with their guild because they switch to GDKP?

No. That’s not reasonable. Stop blaming innocent players for something they didn’t cause.

I just completely disagree with you on a fundamental level. I think blaming GDKP is just giving Blizzsoft an out and they’re all over it. Works out for them. Stop blaming the players just playing the game.

Acknowledge the role you play in the RMT driven ecosystem. This doesn’t mean responsibility for it lies squarely on your shoulders, it just means that you’re a part of it and accepting that just moves the conversation to the next step.

If you want to participate in it or not is entirely your choice. Just because you acknowledge the impact GDKP has on RMT doesn’t mean you have to stop, you still get to decide that.

I know that purchasing beef is supporting an industry that is currently a major emissions contributor. I don’t deny this. I still purchase beef. I’m not yet ready to give that up but I do go into it with eyes open. While I still do choose to purchase beef knowing the impact my purchase has, I also use that information to limit how often I make those purchases. I’m not solving the problem and honestly, I’m not even sure what impact I’m having, but I’m accepting that my actions do have consequences and, at least right now, am trying to process the information.

You participating in GDKP doesn’t make you evil, just the same as me purchasing beef doesn’t make me evil. However, we’re both participating in activities that have consequences that are not good for the ecosystems we live in. All denial does here is stall or otherwise misdirect attempts to move forward in a positive direction.

So whether or not you’re prepared to admit it, you are at fault here, at least to some degree. Whether you’re comfortable with your part in it, are still processing, or want to change things is up to you, but you still share blame for the state the servers are in. Every time you participate in a GDKP run you are creating demand for RMT. Every time you purchase consumables off the AH instead of farming them yourself or coordinating with your guild, you’re furthering the state of RMT in WoW. This is just the reality of the game we are playing right now.

No. Just because you share some responsibility doesn’t mean Blizzard is off the hook. Responsibility isn’t binary.

No. I don’t play a role in RMT because I don’t RMT. It’s just that simple.

This is a quote from the discussion a few weeks ago you are referring to:

Here is the link incase you wanna peek at our convo again: GDKP and boosting must be shut down in every version of Classic, or WoW for that matter - #5 by Tubbly-terenas

Cost of items - both inside and outside GKDPs - has gone down slightly in last few weeks since I made that post. So it is a great time to make an alt as you can get a lot of tier gear for minimum bid - but the rare items still go for a decent chunk (though generally a bit cheaper than things were last few months).

You can keep saying that GDKPs aren’t a real raid system, and it is fine to hold whatever opinion you want. But in the game there are thousands of people who raid using that loot system and do not buy gold. They are not getting carried, either. They choose to raid with GDKPs because it is the loot system that gives best gear distribution, incentivizes people to continue raiding full bis toons, and are overall a fun time.

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Resisting urge for bad analogy…cannot…

I just work that the car wash. It’s a really good job, they pay me $500/day to watch the front door.


Which server/faction?

Is nobody running SRs anymore? I haven’t been playing for a very long time, but it wasn’t uncommon for a handful of guildies to get together and run an SR MC to with bindings HRed for example, back in the day at least.

Eh… tell that to all the rogues complaining about not getting into Gnomeregan pugs in SoD.

Depends on what you mean by farm, I think. I’m not very well setup, but 20 mins on a bank alt at the auction house every couple of days to check prices, list items seems to be a fairly viable strat for covering costs of raid consumes and enchants at least.


Farm up prebis items so you contribute dmg / healing to the raid. And if the raid isn’t entry level prebis just means previous tier gear (i.e. you can’t go into AQ40 with just gear from dungeons - you need good gear from MC / BWL / AQ20 / ZG before being useful in AQ40).

Farm up consumes so you are pumping as hard as possible (mongoose, giants, firewater, etc.)

Farm up gold so you can buy enchants / respec if needed (if you normally run around in a pvp spec).

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I did not mean there are not or would not be raids happening at that level(MC). I was pointing out that a fresh 60 with no ties to anyone in the raid. A true random in greens would likely have had difficulty finding a raid. Unless they filled some niche role, like banish or WF.

With GDKP, they would be denied as a carry, and welcomed as a buyer (if they have gold).

Oh OK. Umm, not sure what it’s like now, but a pretty fresh 60 could make themselves stand out by preparing douses back in the day, and mostly for MC SRs, people didn’t really care about gear/xp, but I really haven’t been playing for a very long time!

I don’t even remember the name of the guild now, but I ran an alt with them in MC every Saturday for a few months. They had a discord setup just for that, and a pretty good community going.

Yeah, I guess I haven’t been playing for a long time, but back in the day it would somewhat depend on the level of gear, contribution to the raid, and the GDKP. Some had pure buyers (what we called them then), and a carry would be what we called a geared played that wouldn’t be buying. Some of the GDKP runs would have min. parse reqs (like parse above gray/green/blue) for a cut, some would not.


Just becuase you keep repeating it does not make it true. Just because you don’t RMT doesn’t mean you don’t play a role in it.

As I said…

I didn’t say it’s not a real raid system, I said it’s a bad one. You know… for the game. But you know, carry on… all I’m asking for at this point is somewhere else to play where Blizzard actually enforces the rules they created.

I think you mean Global Warming, as it was called then. The narrative has changed, and there’s considerably more access to information, regardless of your political stance and whichever agenda you’d like to either push or buy into.

Not that this is a conversation worth having on WoW forums, but we can all study up on whatever research and information we care about with regards to any measurable, scientific, data-backed research and/or claims about what they mean.



I think you have even stated before that is ok in moderation. I would say it is great except for the couple of big downsides. RMT and gold quid pro quo. Both of which exist outside of GDKP but are catalyzed by it.

Oh man I miss those days. Thankfully we all didn’t drown in the massive global flood they predicted was only a few years away at that point or I wouldn’t be here well over a decade later to reminisce about it today.

My apologies for the derail.

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Actually that’s exactly what that means.


I have stated that and acknowledge the one positive aspect it brings. However through the course of conversations on it in the last month or so I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just a net negative effect on the game and should not be there. Because, as you say, RMT is catalyzed by GDKP.

That’s the responsibility I mention above that Alsharptusk is so adamantly denying. It’s not his fault people do bad things and it’s not his fault he profits off it, right? :wink:

GDKP could have pure motivations, but in practice it doesn’t and it’s been a significant driver for RMT. Unless all GDKP participants are willing to have a complete economic reset so we can all start fresh in a world where the TOS is strictly enforced, then I think I would prefer to just let them stew in the mess they made and exist elsewhere.


Something something flouride in the water something something…

More like, if you’re gonna judge and condemn and preach from a holier than thou virtue signaling altar at least pick one that can hold the weight of your enormous ego.


GDKPs also solve the issue of geared player churn. Vanilla is notorious for having people stop raiding on toons the second the get full bis.

With GDKPs the best way to gear alts and make gold is to raid on a well geared carry that will get into AQ 40 / naxx + earn bonus (tank, top dps, top heal), this means that geared toons stay in the raiding pool, which greatly increases total raids and also makes raid much more smooth.