I’ve come across several twinks if you’d like to call them that, that are able to equip gear that is higher than the level they are currently at. For example there was a 49 warrior with several level 51 pieces on as well as a 69 rogue that was able to equip 4 or 5 pieces of 70 gear. Is this something we can take a look into fixing or make it a bannable offense
Ilvl =/= player level. You can be 69 with a piece of ilvl 70 gear.
can we get an image link at least?
Armory links?
It’s not the ilvl i’m looking at. I’m not that stupid, thanks.
Did you actually inspect them?
or are you confusing transmog / item levels.
I looked them up on the armory, I know the difference between ilvl/mog/lvl required to equip.
Post us their armories.
i think it’s silly to crusade for banning people when we don’t know the full context.
It’s a problem now that gear scales, for example a piece of gear that used to be strictly 53, if you get it as a drop at level 40, still shows 53 on armory even though it’s 40 on your character in game.
The bracers do say requires level 51. Interesting! Might be a tooltip error?
All of his gear is below level 50.
The bracers are probably a bug.
Huh, yeah, I would submit a ticket. There’s something odd going on.
Certain things get grandfathered in on twinks.
There are stuff that old twinks wear that new twinks can’t even get. They’re ultra twinks, for when you not only want to crap on levelers but also other twinks.
what she said.
the necklace and weapon are 51
As stated above, these could be a bug with scaling changes and armories not matching up.
If its a bug report it. It’ll get fixed and the players may or may not get banned. Hard to tell, Blizzard bans some things but not others these day.
Man, you guys never will ease up on twinks. Then you get mad when players want to remove something like LFR. lol
If Blizz don’t care, I sure don’t. I never knew that was even possible.
I’m all for twinking, what i’m not for is people being able to equip gear that’s a higher level than they are.
I had this thing happen on some of my chars a while back where old stuff from before got its level changed. If an item is too high for you it won’t give you a stat bonus, but it will remain equipped.
It’s possible he’s just wearing it for street cred. the rhinestone glasses are a bit of a tip-off.