Found a toon as an example, armory shows belt is level 80 but you can get it from level 60+ in wrath dungeons because they scale now.
Dang forget about the tooltip issue and lets all admire that mog. Oh well I had a hunch that maybe it was something with the armory tooltip
All of this misinformation posted because OP could not take 30 sec to use the Wowhead Item slider?
As of patch 7.35 item/level scaling was introduced to World of Warcraft, and these items being questioned are exactly those.
Wowhead would have answered your questions, right?
Please remove my Armory link from this negative thread, reported.
Thank you,
Wow they must miss you so much in the BG forums. level 49 wearing level 50 gear
Haha time flies! Tooltip errors, at level 48 we can now (Opting out of Chromie Time) and enter Shadowlands.
Gear from Shadowlands will also scale accordingly to our characters level, just like it did three years ago.
The necro is strong with this one. 3 years. Even the jailor would be impressed.
Funny thing is in leveling even if twinks on the other side…its probably why you aren’t losing the bg’s if signing up for them in leveling.
I have run Gilneas’ for minutes straight no comms.
No incoming calls, no strats, no nothing. Twink or no twink…that is going to a loss unless the other team is afk. Like all of them.
Also twinking only really a factor to like 30. Levels out after that. as even the levelers on the cheapo plan realize dammit…I have to buy enchants.
At 30 we can buy some very cool sets from Vendors in SW and Org. Just about 500 gold (12g ish’ per slot) for a full set complete with sockets. Leveling from 10-30 in dungeons will cover this cost.
I think it’s one of those “exploit early/exploit often” situations. I think they blocked stuff last year but didn’t roll it back for people.
Incorrect, it is exactly what I mentioned three years back. ^
Scaled to level accordingly, with simple progression.
Test it out.
Tooltip error says 50. Just like my necklace at the time.
nice /10char
I have to start watching for necros…
Thought this was about the artifact weapons or other items they left untuned after they added chromie time, then had to deal with months later.
Yes the Relics obtained during week 1 2 were not properly tuned.
Now Artifacts behave like Heirlooms in regards to scaling to current level.
How does this happen?
This is pretty funny. I do not care at all about twinks or this topic, but the fact that the guy is level 49 and the gear requires level 50 is funny.
You can queue with people who aren’t 60 and do bgs and stuff with them. Not sure if that’s what’s going on though.