Equipoise stealth nerf?

This is so cute. We can’t win can we Arcane mages?

WTB Arcane Orb baseline.

Yes, that would be nice but it only addresses one of our issues. This equipoise nerf/bug wrecks our ST by like 15% which is a far greater issue currently.

Apparently its intended and not a bug.

According to?

cool story care to link to a valid source?

Staff from the mage discord saying they just reverted the buff to it.

Ok but do staff from the mage discord work for Blizzard and have official knowledge that even a GM doesn’t? Not trying to be snarky, but that doesn’t really come off as a solid source.

I don’t know them personally i’m not sure, but usually theyre relatively reliable sources. Who knows though hopefully they will confirm/deny within the next few hours.

The mage discord did not state that the nerf was intended. They said that the reason Equipoise is doing less DPS is that the hotfix was reverted-- nothing about whether this was intentional.

It appears that a lot of recent hotfixes were not pushed to the PTR, and the PTR went live without them. MM Hunters are also missing a 3% hotfix buff they received a few weeks back.

That’s sure what I’m hoping, but it still begs the question of how this makes it through? I mean is there literally zero QA at Blizzard anymore?

You may recall Activision just fired 8% of their workforce and are focusing on shoveling out games. More developers, less QA.

Just keep in mind that GM’s aren’t the developers. They are just customer service reps. GM’s have often been wrong about stuff in the game and it takes time for them to escalate stuff to the devs (and then the devs to respond).

When a new patch releases, the dev team often don’t (or can’t) realistically communicate 100% of the changes or known bugs to all the GM’s.

Internal communication in such a huge company can be hell of a process.

Seems like the trait has been fixed.

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seems to have been hotfixed

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Yes it has, I’m back to the correct 1600 and change I should have. No official word, but I’ll take what I can get and like it.

Now if we could just get them to tell us what the heck they did to our incandescent slivers and stop having us fall through the floor when we log on at the ship mission table I’ll be thrilled.

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That’s been happening to me since the last patch. Apparently it’s an actual ship (not a permanent land structure) which takes a moment to load-in, and while it’s loading-in your character has a chance to fall through the deck.

Read the patch notes.

I don’t know if it’s been fixed.

Post from blue a mere 3 hours ago. But it seems like they’re at the very least aware of Equipoise (and a few other things that were accidentally reverted).

I’m aware of the patch notes, thank you. But several people are reporting them bugged.