Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

It’s almost like Thalyssra, who was Elisande’s trusted advisor prior to the events of Legion, had intimate knowledge that only someone in Suramar at the time the barrier was erected would know. How unthinkable.

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Pesky little details like “standing by while the beloved queen summons in an army of demons threatening to destroy the entire world, while you sat by and watched, then hid in a bubble until demons threatened to destroy the world and your bubble wasn’t stopping them this time”.

Just a grudge.


From the Kaldorei perspective the Highborne of Suramar raised a barrier and left them all to die during the WoTA, hiding from the world for some 10,000 years. Which is sorta true. That is a pretty reasonable grievance to have, one supposes, and even on a good day Tyrande isn’t very… friendly.

Mordent Evenshade and his people had the patience of saints while dealing with the predjuice of the Kaldorei towards arcane magic, which lingered even after cataclysm. Remember the magi were flatly shocked at the cheers that they got during the War of Thorns.

The Shen’dralar were very much humbled by what happened in Eldre’Thalas… the Shal’dorei very much retained their Highborne superiority complex.


Even Dath’remar waited 3 millenia before losing patience (also the Shen’drelar did adopt fairly drastic measures internally, Eldre’thalas wasn’t exactly a shining beacon)


I hate when people misrepresent this tbh. There are several instances of Tyrande acting either way. But people willfully pick the bad ones and elevate them. Her demeanor towards Kael’thas and the blood elves- in a time of peace- was probably one of the greatest acts of diplomacy in TFT.
She has also been generally friendly to the draenei and the worgen, and was the one to overturn the Highborne judgement in a time of need.


I agree with this. I would say if anything, she puts her all into any emotion she is feeling at any given time.

In any case, I don’t disagree with the people who are only looking at it from Tyrande’s perspective. I am also looking at Thalyssra’s perspective. Perception is reality for a lot of people, after all.


She is just prone to having a fierce, but prickly, personality. She is kind in her own way, of that I do not dispute at all. I feel like she is sort of an awful diplomat for the Shal’dorei as she has no common ground and a general distaste for them as a people.

I shall forever maintain that Evenshade would of really gone over better, as he had the ability to relate to them on equal footing.

The writers just accidentally on purpose forgot he exists to skew the outcome to what they wished, which is one of their worst habits in general.

The Shal’dorei are a special case for her, just like the Horde would be at the moment. They are not representative of her general personality.
Tyrande has switched between friendly and acerbic depending on the pressure she is in at the moment. But there are several instances of her being friendly and diplomatic when many of her people were not.


I have faith this is temporary insanity.

Reminder that the “sane” faction war almost kills the game everytime it gets brought back to the forefront


Thats just not accurate. I mean, it was the over arching story of Vanilla.

BC and Wrath made the vanilla side stories the main story, but maintained a strong grip on the faction war… even while we served the neutral Kirin Tor and Argent Crusade, we were fighting over Wintergrasp.

Cataclysm introduced so much good story despite some of my complaints, and the faction conflict was front and center as they tried to do Vanilla 2.0.

MoP was all about the faction war (and how we should feel guilty for collateral damage and how conflict fuels the Sha) but it was non stop faction war while we basically fought over someone elses territory, and people overwhelmingly adore that expansion.

WoD was faction war centric, despite us both wanting to stop the Iron Horde. You land in an alternate universe as a commander of your faction, and set up a Garrison from which your faction can continue the faction conflict in the multiverse. That was never one of the biggest complaints about WoD. I mean, one of the biggest complaints about WoD was that there wasn’t more WoD.

Legion started by not only introducing the Legion invasion, but by giving us a new excuse to keep fighting one another. Like… we were all buddies, at the end of unsuccessful WoD and one of the ways they made Legion better was by smashing that heart shaped locket on a glowing green rock. People loved PvP in Legion. Its been championed as one of the best expansions for PvP. The PvP world quests were a hit, especially with the casual PvPer.

When BfA was announced and a focus on the faction conflict was implied, people were ecstatic. Like, girls at a Beetles concert, ecstatic. But BfA had almost no faction conflict compared to previous expansions, and that was a huge disappointment. We got a BG about Azerite, and then Azerite was abandoned as a plot device. The conflict story was distilled into tragedy story, and the person (singular) that we were in conflict with was quickly no longer a part of either faction. The War Campaign was barely about the faction conflict, and I personally did it in hopes that it would inform me about what was actually going on… it didnt. World PvP assassin stuff was cool, but it didnt feel like it had anything to do with the faction conflict, especially when you could, and were encouraged, to kill your own faction. The expansion was designed to keep us separate and avoid conflict. And we hated it.

Shadowlands basically has no factions, except for those of us who turn on warmode to be manipulated by brokers to kill one another for their intelligence gathering… I guess… as if thats not super sus.

So there are two expansions that have ever sidelined the faction conflict. Those two expansions are the ones we complain about the most… and you think the faction conflict is the problem?

lol especially for BC, where it was a pointless sideshow, where the outland factions weren’t even tied to the faction conflict, and where the capstone tier is a joint belf-draenei force


And yet there was still tons of faction conflict as soon as you arrive in the first new zone of the first ever expansion. The second zone has a Hillsbrad style, Plaguelands style tower control feature, just like the first. They didnt need to add much either, because if you wanted to play a Blood Elf or a Draenei, you had to play through Vanilla again to level. Vanilla’s ever present faction conflict wasnt separated from the newer expansion content like a season, until Cataclysm when it was erased. And by then you could skip it all by equipping heirlooms and chain queuing for dungeons.

You can pretend WoW holistically wasnt popular when the faction conflict was in the forefront, but it was only ever pushed back in BfA and SL.

Exactly. I think wow is a lot more interesting when you look at all of the perspectives. I don’t think it’s impossible to think why Tyrande would act that cruel, because the cruelty does come from a place of logic and past experiences.

But Nightbourne pov can still recognize it for what it was, which was cruelty. And players who like the nightbourne don’t have to feel positively toward tyrande for that.


pssh ill show you what cruel is come face me in a BG

Tyrande the cruel witch she fought the Legion in Suramar! She should’ve stayed home and sent the Nightfallen gift baskets with mana gems!


Homegirl got time bubbled she could have stayed home.

Same for your fair weather friend Liadrin.

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It’s more about the poetic punishment, yes. It’s not an optimal judgement and I think that’s fine. If everything is optimal, it’s not an interesting story.

Tyrande and Maeiv would likely not be involved in this task because they have things to do in the land of the living still. Helping the Night elves rebuild and all that. Sylvanas is responsible for the mess, she cleans it up. That’s the point of it. Sylvanas got a justifiable end, that’s what matters - because again this entire story was her story. It was never about Night elves. You think Blizzard cares about Night elves? The first guys they throw into the meat grinder when they wanna worf someone? It was about Sylvanas and how Sylvanas feels.

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It’s easy to see the poetic license. I just feel that the holes it left took away from it. It ended up just seeming silly.

I get that Tyrande has stuff to do (I’m not sure Maiev really does, but meh). It just felt like it would’ve been better to have Sylvanas spending eternity tearing Torghast down brick by brick (and finding out it rebuilds itself as she does it) or rebuilding/regrowing the groves of Ardenweald, or having to build a replica of Teldrassil in Oribos made entirely out of soul ash from her victims as a memorial to their suffering.

I understand the poetic license. I think that it just fell flat in this case (though it may have been intentional, I don’t know).

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Thats a good point. I would be disappointed with a punishment that resulted in Tyrande calmong down and feeling peace… in an Azeroth that was already scaring me with less focus on faction conflict.