Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

My guess is Nathanos.

Aww hell yeah! A power vacuum for the San’layn to fill!

There’s no way that’s happening now. Maybe that was the plan once, but they’ve made it clear they’re burying the faction war in the ground going forward.

You did no such thing, but you are correct in that I have since moved on.

Some. I did. A lot. On reddit mostly.

And listen, I have my complaints about the story. I get a little incredulous when people start sounding like “How can you do this to us?” And “what did we get?”


But I did tho. Liar.


And as I already stated, you can attempt to rationalize her behavior as you would like, but that does not mean I, or any other player have to like Tyrande for being uncaring and mistrusting.

It’s a matter of perspective, not right or wrong.

Me thinking Thalyssra is a manipulative coward who was greedy for power and cares little for her own people is also a matter of perspective.


A matter of perspective not substantiated by anything other than your bias.

  • spell reflect *

I don’t get what is incredulous about it.
You are puzzled why some people are invested in the story, the world and its characters?

I can only speak for myself but while the burning was shocking and was yet another Horde action that caused devastation on an another location I had nostalgia for could have perfectly worked. I have no problem with it.
The nostalgia created engagement and interest… like “remember that cool location you quested in when you were a wee little lad? Well the Horde blew it up!”

So my interest is peaked to see what they do with it.
And what they did with it was focus solely on the Horde, I am just following it along until Blizzard gaslights me that the Horde isn’t at fault, its sylvanas, and then sylvanas is not at fault. its Jailer.
And this whole process took like 4 years where blizzard kept hinting and kept promising but then failed to deliver patch after patch.

So I don’t think its an abnormal response to ask… Why did they do this? What was all this for?


Except that I have clear examples of Tyrande being mistrustful and uncaring, whereas you could not find examples of your characterization of Thalyssra.

Either way, I’m done engaging with Tyrande…fanboys? Yeah, that’s about right.

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Yes you do and I don’t think anyone should feel the need tell you to feel about it otherwise.
However, will you concede that Tyrande has a background story that somewhat explains why she is behaving this way or no? Whether you find it acceptable or not.

Dude, I spend real life hours of my real life day talking to you almost exclusively about this story. That is not what I find incredulous.


And once more, pointing out the factual events isn’t rationalizing.

It’s pointing out factual events.

Then what is it that you find incredulous?
You already said you aren’t accusing me or anyone else of larping by being “personally” offended by the story decisions.

I struggle to find what else you would find incredulous. What kind of a reaction do you view as abnormal and what is normal?

Yes, I recognize what informs Tyrande’s behavior. Part of it, being a misunderstanding of why the barrier around Suramar was erected, and also the feeling of being abandoned by Suramar during the Legion’s first invasion.

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Then honestly past that point a viewer’s interpretation is really up to them.
Problem with these forums is that sometimes in the heat of conversation in the posts some people may assume you are ignorant or ignoring the background and context.

And why he’s the one most likely to get a bunch of people dead for no reason in the future.

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She let her withered be used as meat shields without ever trying to revive them despite the fact that she had already seen with Theryn that they retained their memories deep down and could be pacified by the Arcandor.

She killed her wayward subjects mercilessly without trying to reason with the ones who sided with Elisande.

She became a sole ruler despite many others being involved in the Rebellion like Silgryn Valtrois and Oculeth.

She snubbed the aid of Tyrande even after they helped her defeat Elisande and the Legion and reclaim Suramar and was bichy about it long after, pretty ungrateful too.

She sided with a world power in a war of conquest when she claimed to the outsiders that she would bring about an era of defending Azeroth and not conquering it, manipulating everyone into helping her while she later participated in a war of annihilation.

I’ve probably provided better reasons than you can come up with for your claims against tyrande.


Ok, but like… Tyrande is mean to the Horde sometimes, even when she thanks us for our help two years after trying to genocide her people, burn down her home, and take their remaining lands.

Therefore she is objectively a horrible person and a hypocrite.


More like she accepted the aid of Liadrin, who helped her defeat Elisande and the Legion and reclaim Suramar and DIDN’T treat her and her people like junkies.