Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

No, you were wrong. And were very rude to somebody giving you their time.

The canonical story tells me I’m right. It’s very hypocritical of you to be shown the truth and insist on lies.

It’s also hypocritical of you to call other people toxic.


You’re just doing microaggressions over and over instead of walking away from a convo you don’t agree with. I’ll be walking away now. I hope you find peace. Lol.

The irony of this statement makes me delight in it.


You were pretty rude too.

See, it’s not that I don’t agree with you.

It’s that you intentionally misuse words, misrepresent in-game facts that can easily be proven, misrepresent events from WCIII, misrepresent entire conversations, misunderstand the lore, mis-

Basically, you have gone out of your way to create an argument from nothing, solely for the purposes of trolling people. You have no arguement of worth. You have relied purely on flailing in the dark for anything remotely resembling an argument, and when presented with facts that disprove your argument, you deny facts even exist.

I’m not kind to trolls. You get what you earn.

Making a case using the lore about Tyrande not being hypocritical about Illidan during Reign of Chaos makes me rude?

Honestly at this point it seems that anyone who disagrees with you, regardless of how they make their case as to why is now “being rude”.

Grow up.

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You’re telling people quest text didn’t happen and getting mad to people for engaging emotionally with quest text. That’s not trolling. That’s people having a different engagement with text than you.

And hypocritical, Denona.

Do not forget the hypocrisy of knowing the lore.


I get you’re a clique in attack mode getting mad over Tyrande because I see this like a thousand times a day in wow communities. But she’s not portrayed as great in the suramar quests no matter how you split it.

You can love this character if you want. I doubt my opinions on tyrande will effect her in game appearances.

I think you are confusing me for someone else at this point.

Honestly it is just amusing seeing you get angry at me simply because I pointed out that something you said was incorrect. While explaining why.

I wasn’t being rude in that post yet you are accusing me of doing so. Honestly that is quite rude imo.

I mean that post was the first one I made in this part of the thread.


Literally never said that.

Or that.

Naw. See, when you misrepresent the events of said quest, which are to recruit more nightborne to fight for their city into some sort of cold-blooded tactic to use them as meat shields?

That isn’t “emotionally engaging differently”. It’s just plain a lie.

You’re still being very hypocritical.

I hope Kat sees that now she’s in a clique with me, Ren, Denona and Micah. Zerde too.

It’s hypocritical to call people disagreeing with you a “clique”.


If using magic for power at any cost is bad for others but not herself I do find that hypocritical. I didn’t think this was a controversial statment.

If you get amused at people getting frustrated that’s like text book troll behavior.

Like, y’all. This didn’t need to be a thing.

Its fine. This last patch and the Sylvanas Novel is basically making the best out of two terrible expansions worth of story. This is fine. Not impressive but fine. About as good as they could do with the story up to this point.

One case was someone with a history of power abuse turning himself into a Demon. A major enemy in Warcraft. The other undertook a ritual involving their Goddess.

No I get amused at people who snap back at someone who just came into the conversation. Acting like they were there all along. While accusing them of being rude all because they challenged your PoV on something.

To think, all you had to do was say “you’re right, hypocrisy isn’t the word I’m looking for, because hypocrisy doesn’t mean ‘anything I dislike’.” Or not blatantly lie about the lore while accusing others of lying. Or not mischaracterize events.

All you needed to do was stop at “I don’t like Tyrande because I’m Horde and she’s rude to us.”

Well yeah you were acting like an instigator going “ehehehehe discourse discourse.”

That was after you accused everyone under the sun who disagreed with you for being rude with no evidence at all.

Maybe you should take your own advice and

They think Shadowlands is a “nelf wank fest”, that should really tell you all you need to know about them. They are highly irrational and just angry about night elves in general and will make up things when it suits them, it is best not to really engage with them.


They agreed with me about this before. -_-

(That sylvanas was never getting redeemed. Because we knew she wasn’t.)