Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

Dude. You really need to play through Suramar, and not just use forums to figure out what happened there.

Tyrande literally did ally with the nightborne.


I’m not the one ignoring quest text.


You are wrong. Canonically wrong. The events you describe either are not what happened at all, leave out very relevant details, or suffer from gross misrepresentation.

I’m not disagreeing with you to argue. I’m disagreeing because the lore directly contradicts you.

And because you still misuse the word hypocrisy.

Uh Uno reverse, I guess. You’re wrong.

No. You’re the one misrepresenting it and utterly ignoring the entire campaign.

Y’know, this would have all gone a lot quicker and easier if you just outright said “I don’t care what the lore says, my misused words are the only thing that is canon in my head”.

Would have saved us all time and me some chest pains from laughter.

Speaking of Ve’nari. I found it odd that she has yet to appear in 9.2. Considering she was probing questions about Zereth Mortis’s location from the Fatescribes in Korthia.

If they didn’t want to depict Tyrande as selfish and heartless in suramar they shouldn’t have written her as selfish and heartless. I don’t have much more to add to it than that.

The stuff with Illidan isn’t hypocritical. Tyrande knew he would be an important ally and had hoped that his time in prison would’ve removed his power hungry desires. So when she finds out that Illidan consumed the Skull of Gul’dan and became a demon, she saw that releasing Illidan was a mistake. Not because he defeated Tichondrius and removed major reinforcement portals for the Legion. But Illidan turned himself into a demon completely to do so.


Yeah she sure did disappear didn’t she? I keep wondering when she’s going to come back since her introduction was so ominous. It’s what makes me keep thinking about all those tin foil hat theories about the runecarver not being trustworthy.

And that’s fine.

But it’s not hypocrisy.

And not trusting people isn’t normally considered heartless or selfish, especially when you literally help free their city, but we’ve well established you don’t know what words mean, so we’re here now I guess.


Just because you say something isn’t hypocrisy doesn’t make it not hypocrisy.


The definition of the word hypocrisy says what you are calling hypocrisy is not hypocrisy.

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Ahhh no, I played those quests on this character, clearly helpped them

it can go both ways.

Oh my, a flawed protagonist in WoW who has a history for being that way… we can’t have that! let’s hate on her and suck on Anduin’s toes!

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Ah yes, Tyrande the flawed. Who everybody admits does wrong things. Except nobody does.

IDK Kat. Sparty didn’t see you there. It’s very hypocritical to do quests when Sparty doesn’t see it.

But then again, doing quests is hypocritical itself, because everything is hypocritical if you just use the word wrong.


You sure did completely ignore Ellinia but whatever.

Naw, addressed her, showed where she was wrong, moved on.

You’re being very hypocritical right now.