Epic Purple Shirt is gone from my inventory

I just want to take a small poll. My Epic Purple Shirt is still available on my toon, however I obtained it via the original TCG game card.

Did people obtain their shirt via the Prime Giveaway, or the original TCG? I’ve obtained similar Tabards via giveaways and Blizzard awarded the transmog of the item, not the original physical tabard. Do we think that maybe the Prime Giveaway was supposed to be just the appearance (and that’s why the item is gone) and not the actual item?

They can hide behind their terms of service. They own EVERYTHING in the game, regardless of your time or money put into it.

That’s how they got away with emptying so many guild banks with barely an apology, and little to no actual restoration done.

I sincerely hope your tabard issue doesn’t take too much effort, or you’re going to be out of luck, they won’t fix it, it’ll cost them too much to fix vs losing customers. Everything is a financial calculation now, customer satisfaction means nothing :frowning:

All the Twitch giveaways just granted the appearance, they never gave the physical item. So the people had and who lost the physical items had to have obtained it from the TCG loot cards. Also, FWIW, some of the TCG tabards that people lost (based on the several other threads) included ones that hadn’t even been a part of the promotions.

My understanding was when they issued that “sorry we can’t restore everything” statement that if you hadn’t gotten it by then, you weren’t going to. Everyone is just SOL at this point.

I luckily I didn’t lose any of my TCG items but I lost some trivial items (old crafting materials) from my guild bank, and I lost two Haunted Mementos which are fairly valuable. I don’t think we’re getting any of it back, because they know there’s nothing we can do about it.

You quit paying for the game. That’s the only thing you can do about it if complaining doesn’t work. The problem is most people aren’t willing to do that, so Blizzard has little incentive to change.

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I mean, if enough people do that, it will communicate a general dissatisfaction to Blizzard, but an individual quitting the game is not going to result in that individual getting their items back.