Epic PreMades

Look, I hate epic bgs. I used to love them, but they are more pre-made than ever before, either that, or I am unlucky.

My last 5 epic bgs, they have had 6 or more healers. My side, one or even two healers. They get tanks too… It’s just… So unfun.

What are the odds that at least 3 to 6 groups of friends are queuing with a healer each, a tank and some dps?


When I make the groups I spread out the classes so that if we’re split we don’t have all our eggs in one basket. Everyone plays whatever class they want though.



Here we go again.


It really isn’t that way, here’s my secret to get out of a rut run, The Rut Run is when you are getting put into a group of people that are not playing well in a pug, how to get away from them. Sign off for 5 minutes go grab a sandwich or watch TV for a few minutes get something to drink go to the restroom.

Now sign back on, ohhhh I am in a good group off of a sudden. hmmmmm how did that happen. Now you want to keep in that group because they are winning and you are playing solo queuing pug BG and EBG, as soon as the game is done bail out, count to 10 and queue again and you will notice you are again in that group winning.

Lets say that group decides they are done playing and now you need a new group, queue once and see what happens if it is not good, again log out for 5 minutes go do something and log back in and oh boy a better group… Hmmmm how does this happen, I honestly don’t know and dont’ care it just works.

The odds are slim. What you are seeing are just discord communities that manipulate the Que system by cheating. Que synchers. They come in here and tell everyone they are a legit option for epic bgs but all they are is taking advantage of a Que systems not designed for mass cheating. Basically groups of cheating garbage players.
But they will tell you to join their communities. Which you can. You can lower yourself to the level of pond-scum and join them. Or you can be a legit real PvP player and not cheat


Let’s take out the word cheat and cheating for a moment.

The odds are slim. What you are seeing are just discord communities that create premade groups which are part of Player vs Player. If you look in the game. It’s there promoted by Blizzard to play with all your friends.

Que (synchers) (should be syncing) are using what Blizzard said we could use with it playing with our friends. Currently, the community created “Community Flare” to help people play with their friends in a premade that blizzard promotes.

They come in here and tell everyone they are a legit option for epic bgs. They are because Blizzard again talked about playing in premade with all your friends in pvp to have a lot of fun. Basically Premade teams that want to play pugs play pugs in premade groups.

When did blizzard talk about playing with all your friend in pvp, In 2005 when it launched AV and WSG, one if its big ideas was play with your friends in premade groups.
WE were syncing back then…

You can join their community and play with them, they will teach you how to play pvp bgs real well, so well that when no one from the premade community is on that if you queue pug by yourself you will see why you want to be in a premade vs just a pug.

People that do not know how to play pvp well, are denouncing the whole thing. Rather than joining a community and learning how to pvp like a pro. They would rather run around and telling everyone Premade runs are bad. Reminds me of another group of people I know…

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If they promoted it i’m pretty sure they would just re enable raid que no?

They took it out specifically to curb premades cause the greifing got to blatant and out in the open. They kept the 5 player cap cause they didn’t want to completely erase playing in groups.

Nobody who is pro premade likes to actually acknowledge that but the current system is in fact anti premade and it is that way in fact for a reason.

Premades had their way back in like wrath or something and it was the era of cave farming in av lmao. Legit cave farming just knocking people out of the portal to zone them out. So yeah im glad we are past that.


Enfers, ooooeeeee I saw a doozy of a tell you sent with many actionable words. Care to comment? Speak into the microphone.

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I don’t know man, I have no problem with 5 man bgs, but when people are deliberately trying to get groups upon groups in the same bg, that doesn’t feel right and not very “pro” when you can just zerg and coordinate like mad through discord.

I think, when players decline a bg, they get a small buff, one minute the first time, 2nd decline is 5 min, 3rd decline is 15 min. Make it to the point where it’s counterproductive to try and sync queues.

Roll the proverbial dice just like any other player, and not try and swing things massively in your favor.

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That would only cause everyone to solo queue, synched, like alliance does often.

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I have one of oca as well.

But yeah i don’t recall saying that.

Good send me that one too :smiley:

h ttps://imgur.com/a/IhQ8BtX

there it is.

He really bought that hook line and sinker when it was right next to a literal photo shopped image of my face.

When every other post there was very passive and what you would expect me to say.

Wont be rejoining that community either way with how many of them waited until i wasn’t looking to say what they really thought like cowards many of whom were in no position to criticise lmao.

Interesting! The one I have is you saying it to him. As Azeroth turns!

when i want to win a random bg or just have fun and try to coordinate randoms to win a match i usually get told its a random not rated chill out. Then keep rated premades to rated Bgs then and leave randoms to being random because by definition it is contradictory that you Q into a random and think that is actually what it might be when its not. Think about the meaning by definition.

I am really having a hard time figuring out if your just gaslighting. To make such a statement as only good pvpers qsync is just…

2 xpacs ago I had no problem with premade groups doing their thing. Last Xpac I started noticing more and more bgs starting with lopsided groups. Now… I still cant finger point unless I recognize a name and say oh its a premade, but there are tells, and I will say It is really bad. I am now with this comment on the other side of the fence. Premades are bad, not because I do not believe in the communities they might support, but by the tactics and tacky antics that continue to plague the EBG the randoms and the forums. You want to put together 5 man strike teams GO FOR IT. You want to drop que 10 times to stack the deck and jack up 10 other bgs, that’s were you cross the line.

If you want to claim that you with your army is some how better than a jane doe solo que then it really shouldn’t take 5-8 to take down one little solo player now should it? Rushing a boss or backdooring a boss does not equal pvp skill, it equals coordination skills. Please stop confusing the two.


Many of them don’t do well under pressure.

There is a reason every premade stacks their team giga hard in order to 100% ensure they win the teamfight cause the bg is decided by the teamfight and i’ve seen first hand how many of them are completely unable to “adapt” and work around having a weaker team because you really cant in epics unless you pull off some cheeky strat like a backdoor.

And collapsing immediately upon things not going 100% according to plan is a sign of a bad “leader” among many others.

Being completely unable to accept any kind of blame and immediately pushing it onto everyone and everything else is another sign and there are a lot of those to.

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My people have done some amazing turn arounds in games. Adapting is something we do often. Then we have people like you whispering the other team telling them what we’re doing…

It’s easy to fabricate a chat like so. Ruthlessbro showed us that and admitted to it.

Anyway, I’m surprised BSG is still alive. Heard they haven’t qued in a while.


You don’t do any ground breaking strats.

What your team in particular always does is fall back on a hard turtle when you cant win the teamfight. Which sometimes may work because of choke points but if it doesn’t you have no other plan.

“Strategy” takes a backseat to raw output in epics. It only comes into play once 2 teams are somewhat equally matched and neither team is getting ran over.

Alecthegreat used to bring his little 5-10 man into epics and try to win off strategy alone and would get outpumped by the 25-30 que syncing raid everywhere he went.

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