Here is what is going to happen someday. One of the team producers will suggest let’s cut out join as a party for Ebg and BG only.
So now no one can queue a 5 person party nor any one in a raid will be allowed to queue.
They’ll let it run for one month. This is only for non-rated epic battle grounds and battle grounds.
No one from community flare will play, people like me since all I play is pugs will look at whether I feel like playing with a losers that day or week. Might even take that month off.
And then you juniors out there can wait in the queue for hours. And hours, and hours, and hours….
I’d love to see them do it for one month to prove a real point that PvP isn’t easy and it’s not supposed to be easy.
it’s not a raid group in good ole molten core back in the days when you studied each boss, worked on MC until you could do it smoothly from start to finish.
PvP isn’t that way, there are millions now of techniques to review, 100’s of places to get info. Class forums to talk to expert players that can teach anyone how to be an awesome PvP player.
And the secret to all this is a basic skills of reading and practicing.
When I first stepped into WSG back in 2005, I didn’t have any idea what I was going to do on my hunter. I had only played in instances and raids.
I have played capture the flag in other games so I had the basic understanding of how to play. I didn’t have a PvP vocabulary yet, ex. Our Mage and what that means to our side. (I just saw someone on the horde team call it a warlock……)- I kept seeing our warlock is in trouble… wondering what they were talking about. The warlock tower, I replied he is a mage, ask him for some mana buns…) oh wow thank you for telling me that……
Can you see why you can’t play well yet. I heal for the horde and season 2 is dedicated to the horde this season. A horde priest gave me a few tips even though I could heal pretty good after 15’s of it. I won’t ever be able to repay him back.
And even after 15 years of healing there was still things to learn.