He’s been doing rated I talked to him the other day.
These kinds of games are few and far between. Premade are rick rolling the majority of the time. I love close games, I don’t mind losing closely fought contests, but good luck finding that nowadays.
I don’t have a personal problem with anybody, I’m sure he’s a good person overall. I’ve seen you in the same group. Big deal. For me, it’s not about the personalities, it’s about the fact Blizzard allow this BS to carry on.
I have no time for getting into arguments over a game. Furthermore, I just pointed out who the leader of the premade I came up against was.
They could affect it with a few words and it would cost them nothing, it’s my main issue. It’s not just the lack of investment that’s driving their lack of action.
Smaugh has a 48% win rate in epics this expansion (EDIT: at 70 and only solo queue), never turned down a suspiciously fast queue and never quit a BG. I think it may be worse now that we’re in a bit of a wow-dead zone waiting for the next expansion. Griefing tends to rise during these times, I guess for lack of other things to do. Take it from a former LFD tank and WPvP guard (from before CRZ).
evidently you do
It does appear to be very spineless of Blizzard.
Perhaps more an indication of their work culture, a lot we don’t know about their development process and we only see the output. It’s just that there’s a fine line between not fixing a problem and allowing it, at some point they become liable for their lack of commitment. I could dig a hole in my yard but if I do that near a school bus stop and leave it open for a few months I might just be liable if a kid falls in. It doesn’t matter that that kid was trespassing.
They really don’t make great movies like Million Dollar Baby anymore, Eastwood is a legend.
Yeah, and it was against a Pug
Is it really Blizzard’s fault, though? They removed the ability to create large groups for PvP. Some rotten eggs just found a loophole/exploit to abuse the system. It’s actually the fault of the people who are exploiting the game… and those of you who continue to hold conversations with them calling them ‘‘good people.’’ They’re not good people. I think some of you really need to focus on who is to blame in this situation - and it’s not Blizzard. Do you think I talk to the exploiters? No. Do you think I refer to them as ‘‘good people’’? There’s nothing good about any of them. IF you’re in any of these communities - leave.
If you’re ‘‘friends’’ with any of these exploiters - remove them.
Start doing your part - before expecting Blizzard to fix a people issue.
I’ve probably removed 30 friends that tried to get me to qsync, dropped BGs when they were on my team, done what I can but the situation has only gotten worse. Do you really think you’re going to guilt them into stopping or that the people who might be affected by advertisements that queue syncing is cheating come here?
Blizzard has the power and the mandate to fix their broken product.
If only more people thought like you do… and took action.
The future of this game, unfortunately, is cross faction. It’s going to happen, just not in Dragonflight. I think a lot of it will be based on the success of Rated Blitz. Blizzard even said in an interview that making more things Cross Faction is the plan. But this isn’t a Blizzard issue. The only thing Blizzard did wrong - is trusting it’s player base to do the right thing. You can’t trust BAD people to do the right thing - and to see some of you call these exploiters ‘‘good people’’ is both laughable and frustrating. WE can fix this problem by not joining their communities, or talking to any of them. I have an Honor Level of 1838 - and not one level of that has come from joining these trash communities.
Cross faction IS coming - so, once Rated Blitz is released - queue up, make it successful.
I’ve tried. I know people think I simp for the communities because I try and understand why it’s happening and communicate that to Blizzard but I’ve fought against sync queue for some time.
Just got out of a game against an epic premade at 2pm EST and just entered into a other one of the same premade
Don’t want to hear more nonsense about premades wanting to face other premades when they’re rolling pugs in non-peak hours.
Edit: A Ruthless bro group in an AV just afked out against a pug because we were turtling at IB choke and burned SHB. So, yea, they don’t want a tough or fair fight, they want easy wins.
The question is for how long will they continue to do it?!?! How could any sane and rational person not get bored after years of rolling other teams and winning offense at Wintergrasp in under 2 min? It’s like playing Pacman, but the ghosts can’t harm you and you always win. It’s like playing Call of Duty with your organized team in coms all with golden AKs and the other team is pugs, not in coms running around with knives. The scariest part to all of this for me is that they don’t get tired of it.
And from what I’ve seen, a lot of what people are saying is true… It starts with “Lets make a team to combat and fight against the premades! We will be champions of the pugs and beat the premades!” and then after a few weeks this “valiant” group of so-called “pug defenders” just starts doing the exact same thing as the premades themselves, rolling pug teams, not winning games fast and just honor farming for laughs drawing out the match for an hour. It’s like a giant nightmare and we’re all dreaming it together.
Currently 4/4 AFK’d epics because of Premades right now lol
One just started 15 vs 30 because one premade didnt take their queue…
What a pathetic group of people they all are
i agree. people who leave bgs because the first fight didn’t go their way are a cancer. something should be done about this toxic behavior.
Opal is not talking about that… Its about premades sending one person through the que, they see that its another premade group on the other side so they tell their team of 28 players to not take the que over coms/chat so everyone drops because the premades don’t like fighting against eachtother. So now, its 12 pugs left facing a 40 man premade team in coms because the other preamade dropped que… This is about 10 million times more toxic than just leaving a bg after getting rolled.
i know what they were saying and its funny how apropos it is that the same can be said about afkers.
am i using that word correctly? i heard it in a punk rock song.
But I’m sure he’s a ‘‘great’’ guy.
He’s probably the kind of guy that eats your fries while he’s filling your order.