Epic premades are toxic and totally violate the social contract and terms of service

How used?


easiest coke of my life

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So do I owe you a coke?


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They got DoorDash in your neck of the woods?

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dibs? does that work?



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Waiting on these people:

“Oca posted, I’m so OfFenDeD”

“LoOk yALL tHeyRe sO tOkseeeaaK.”

“Im sO tRiGgErEd oF oCA”

“UGgH wHeRe’s mY vIctIm CaRD aGAin”

“tIMe tO uSe tHe vOicE rEcOrdEr aGaiN”

Louis is currently engaged in the construction of a Hellkitty chest . :hammer_and_wrench::fire: The fusion of feline ferocity and infernal energy promises an intriguing outcome! :smiley_cat::fire:


Oh noes, not the cursed post of deletion that always get deleted.


And? /10-chars

Are you upset Oca doesn’t like pirate prunes so he post that instead?


No, I don’t care what he does or doesn’t like.

Why did you ask him “and?” Then? Mindyabiznez

Seeing a brief pause in posting and his chance at glory, Lorethon jumps on Ronalvandy.

His little legs churning, a brief Woooot! from his lips, Ronalvandy sprints to the Last Word flag and grabs it! Aspect of the Cheetah, combined with Hunting Pack talents guarantees him the victory as he crosses the line!

Spikes the flag into the soil standing in the Victors Pose!


Edit: Drat! Thwarted again!

Oca I appreciate that man. Thank you. And thanks to everyone who joined. It’s a different project than I’m used to doing.

Scroll up, looks like TK wanted to be next as well. Do you do pirate prunes?

Nah, not at all. Depending how it’s viewed it could be interpreted as stalker behavior. That desperate to be in the same space we are evidently.

BlizZard can stop it but it depends upon what resources they want to use to stop it.

Right now they are focused on TWW expansion.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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Maybe Blizz should just put some detection for premades in epic BGs and then give the pug players some buff like in old Wintergrasp, that would be kind of fun.

While I’ve dipped back into PvP super casual and only really came here to post my opinion about this, I will say that all of you in these varied discords and on both sides arguing with each other – I appreciate both sides keeping PvP going in this game.

At the end of the day, many of us are still, at heart, just super fans of some of these maps and all the memories they represent :slight_smile:


no just make bgs cross faction =)