Epic Premade?

Even if its less effort than we think, its still way more than most people and its silly to deny that

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It’s impressive how quickly y’all form up for premade raids vs. pugs.


if you were half as good as you think you are, building a pvp community to stop me wouldn’t be difficult. but you can’t.

I literally offered to let you get your 6 best community players and do some 6v6 wargame WSG’s with whatever 5 btags I could get to bother to do it and you backed out (in your typical fasion by looking like a total fool while trying to save face).

Hell, I’ll offer again. When do you feel like getting decimated? It’s actually going to be really hard for me to get 6 people together at the same time, you can flick your wrist and do it apparently. But I’ll see what I can throw together, you say the word big man.


i don’t remember this, but why would you challenge a team that specializes in 40 man combat to 6v6? my assumption is that you know your niche and only want to stay where you know you can win. like i said, you might be good at pvp, but you lack larger skills like networking and logistics.

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My niche is I don’t have more than a handful of btags online at one time, and that’s even if they would care enough to bother doing it. Lol Most of them don’t come here to see how you are to want to knock your ego down due to getting tired of watching you try to bully people in 90% of your posts.

But it is what it is. This back and forth was enough to make people you tell to ‘git guud’ for not being able to overcome being cheated at least feel a little better about it. Have fun bragging and being arrogant, you’re really spreading your legend.


and that’s my fault?

I offered a fair competition of skill in the only manner I could (possibly) put together. Don’t know what else to say about it.

Anyway, have whatever last word you feel will somehow turn the tide here, I’m out.

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gladly, attempt to do what i do and then see if it really takes as little skill as you assume.

spamming the forums with ur trash opinions about a dead unranked mode in a mediocre MMO isnt a skill srry

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that fills games every 2-5 minutes with 80 people?

Damn Inemia getting called out and completely backing out of the callout.

Who would of thought.



Yikes, LOL.

Best case scenario is an evenly matched fight. However, if I had to choose between fighting with an advantage or fighting with a disadvantage (in numbers) I’d take fighting while disadvantaged.

The reason is because winning while disadvantaged is meaningful while winning while advantaged is meaningless. This is a mindset of people who pvp for the challenge and not just trying to stack everything possible in their favor.


Exactly. Pugs, and the complainers on the threads, can do this too. I never really see them complain about other pugs not wanting to work well together.

The solution is simple. Premades should only face premades. You and your friends get to play against other people and their friends.

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I think it’s revealing that’s what you believe.

Maybe everybody in your premade community wants easy wins. So, they purposefully circumvent restrictions to gain an unfair, competitive advantage. They don’t want games with fair teams because it’d be harder to win.


no, that is my observation of the playerbase as a whole.

take snowfall in AV as horde and see how many people rage about you turning a 5 minute zerg into a 30 minute turtle.

its the same reason people afk when they see a premade on the other team. they wanted an easy win and know this game isn’t it.

though i applaud your effort to frame this as a me problem and a not a people problem as if you are immune to it and above all other people.

if that were true, then the entire game of PVP and competitive nature wouldn’t involve finding ways to find an edge over your opponent. people wouldn’t bother with gearing or finding these builds that are 1% bis over everything else, and meta wouldn’t exist in arena.

i don’t see that anywhere. if you want to call someone out, don’t do it so foolishly. all Doors did was this: “i challenge you to a form of combat where i have more skill and you have less while denying to show up where you have more skill and i have less.” this isn’t a callout, its a cowards challenge.

it used to do that, blizz removed the restrictions and balancing on queueing at the start of SL.

if you don’t know about community drama, premade comms all spy on each other and do in fact try to queue into each other to crash the party, its the devs who want pugs ground to dust by premades, not the premades.

If you don’t have one of the 3-5 leaders of the various epic communities in the game , the pre made is basically a pug just queues together but no more effective .

I thought people try not to take snowfall in AV because it rezzes people in the middle of nowhere. You’d rather rez at one of the other gys.

People don’t want to play against cheaters.

You’re rigging the game massively in your favor.

I think it’s pretty clear which side wants easy wins.


I’m not the one stacking my random bg team for easy wins.

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no, you take snowfall because you don’t want any ally getting south of your front line. nobody south means nobody has to break off to defend and backcap, nobody breaking off means your front is unified and stronger. this is basic AV strategy.

it takes a lot more effort to build a community than to complain about one. stop being lazy.

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