Epic Premade?

This sounds like a premade raid strat where you have an unbreakable front line that’s rolling from one end of the map to the other.

In games with fair teams, the Alliance will be able to go south. And it’s not because of snowfall.

A community of players who want easy wins.


everyone wants easy wins.


still no, they get blocked at iceblood, but i noticed you have more posts than achievement points. perhaps you should try playing the game.


If they’re blocked at iceblood, then it doesn’t matter if they have snowfall.

Is this a thing?

I do. That’s how I know about premade raid cheaters.


yep, you don’t play

Epic premades must end…

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because you lost when you wanted to win?

No, because i lost in unequal terms in a completelly unbalanced match, because i’ve been farmed with almost zero chance to win during 25mins.
Im good with losing when i play in equal terms and lose.


well lets think about this, hundreds of players should cease their daily fun, socialization, and enjoyment of the game all because you, Lorelana, lost one game. what makes your feelings more important than theirs?

Do you not see how many players on the other team leave your games?

What makes your feelings more important than all of theirs?


It does . They rezz much closer with snowfall. Easier to rout them there without snowfall

If they’re blocked, you’re bringing down their reinforcements even more quickly.

Yes. But you don’t want them to rezz behind you ever . Unless you are just trying to do a fast finish.

I always take snowfall whether I am playing alone or with a group.

yes, and i have a solution for that, it involves overhauling the pvp currency system to be account wide and im not sure the devs would want to do that. but essentially it allows for regular pvpers to leave bad matches but punishes chronic afkers and winseekers by locking them out of all instanced content until tuesday reset.

they aren’t, but if i enjoy what i do and you dont, im not going to stop because that would mean giving up something i enjoy without ever receiving any reciprocation for doing so.

effectively, my enjoyment nullifies your lack of enjoyment. leaving the argument at a flat spot where if you want to do something about it, you have to go actually do something about it, but you are lazy and would rather just complain and beg the devs to do something for you. you could build your own community to stop me, just sayin.

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Depending on the situation, it can really suck to rez there.

I usually find it more beneficial to rez at one of the other gys.

Possibly but it’s a way to slow the game down .

Which is not very popular

I think it’s not very popular because people think it’s sabotaging your own team. They’d rather rez at one of the other gys.

its not popular because people want 5 minute games for easy honor/conquest farming.

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Taking snowfall doesn’t stop 5-minute games.

If only it were that easy.