Epic Premade?

For me, the most telling aspect of this whole discussion comes down to what exactly a “premade” is and what you are complaining about.

Look at Ruthlessbro’s gear. Look at mine. Look at all the people queuing “premades” and notice that none of them are Arena or PvP Gods. None of them even have full gear/gems/sockets/enchants.

You guys are making the argument that a handful of average at best characters are “forcing overwhelming odds” to get wins and insinuating that it’s not fair and that we are the cringe ones for trying so hard to beat disorganized casuals.

The reality is that a couple of people who attempt to lead an EBG, be helpful in chat and do a reasonable job of bringing a rudimentary level of coordination to a match is enough for you guys to cry bloody murder as if some extremely elaborate and disciplined war is being waged against you.

So yea, I stand by my statement that you guys equating a very minimal effort to communicate and play as a team in an Epic Battleground with some sort of tryhard mega elite effort to win games and garner unfair advantage and that is mental gymnastics of the highest order.

Seriously, look at Ruthlessbro’s gear and think about how half a dozen Horde players leave every EBG he joins and you guys on the forums are decrying his “forcing of overwhelming odds”. Honestly, it’s hilarious. I’ve never seen so many people be scared of a guy in blues lmao.


People are scared of ruthlessbro? I don’t know a single person that is. But that’s me.

I don’t speak for nor do I claim to be a high exp player, but I at the very least do not like easy curbstomps. I want actual teamfights where either team can win at any point, but with the added benefit of knowing I won’t have a dude in the group that’s going to scream and harass the player using raid warning to make generalized callouts. That part alone is why I stopped doing solo epics because it happened so often to me and I really don’t want or need that added stress in my life. You do one single callout and I’m not joking, there are actually people that try to get you kicked or report you to try and abuse the silence system because they’re that antisocial in a team-based gamemode.

As someone that can (and does) step up to lead, I take solace in knowing that I will have people willing to listen to my instructions, and defend me in chat from people that try to flame and harass anyone that tries to lead the group; the people I mentioned above would feel less inclined to act in that way if the entire group is following the callouts.

This kind of behavior towards people that try to lead matches is not an isolated incident. It literally happened last night twice in a single AV. It’s happened so much to so many people that try to lead groups (including those that aren’t even premades in the first place) — to drive home just how toxic it can get, I’ve had people actually wish death upon me in epics when I lead them alone back during Shadowlands all because they didn’t like one person trying to lead 39 others to a win. I am at this point permanently turned off from trying to do it on my own without the guarantee that I have people willing to follow instructions.

As Ryfuk said, the majority of premade groups do not use voice, and even if they do, it’s nothing like RBGs where you have to coordinate the entire game and micromanage CDs and rotate healer drinks. It’s just people talking casual chatter in comms and barely any real focus of the conversation goes into the game, text chat callouts are what every team more or less does because the pugs can also read them.


No one in the history of these forums has ever suggested that any of these people were good at wow pvp. In fact most of us have been pretty adamant that they’re the opposite. There’s a reason why most of them are still rocking blue gear.

These below average (at best) ding dongs need these sync queue groups. Without them they’re forced to contend with the fact that you’re not very good at this game and your wins are a lot harder to come by.

I bet you’re actually intelligent enough to understand how sync queueing gives you an advantage over a team of randomly assembled players. You just don’t want to admit that advantage publicly.

And hey if you’re not emotionally mature enough to own what you do then that’s between you and yourself.

But if you’re gonna communicate with the adults then do so with both of your feet rooted firmly in reality.


Of course it’s nothing like RBGs because the enemy team might as well be NPCs compared to the team that has a large group coordinated players who’s gone to the effort of circumventing the group limits for BG queueing.

You guys work really hard to hand wave away what you’re doing .


Do we really work hard, now?

What’s stopping the other team from having someone step up and lead the pug team, then? I started out leading pug teams and got to the point where I’m, admittedly, a commonly-recognized name even if I’m not leading. People expect me to sit there and lead the group. I’ve defeated many premade groups with pugs. It’s not that hard. You just have to have someone willing to call out strats and people that are willing to listen to those calls.


“Fact is, people who can’t play will always be subject to those who can.”

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I’m super duper serious when I say that I absolutely, 100% believe you.

You can tell yourself this as many times as you like but you’re literally complaining about being stomped by these guys and then telling yourself that they’re not good players.

The reality is they are much better than you at EBG’s, BG’s and likely PvP in general. A significant part of being “good” in those environments is the ability to mesh well with or lead a team. The fact that you’re in here complaining about “premades” that are usually just 1 guy and 2 or 3 randoms in blues who will talk to one another means you even worse than that, because you’re losing to them.

You make queuing as a group sound like some sort of magic spell. Like you get 3-5 average players that by themselves are supposedly garbage but when you put them into a party together and press queue some emergent property makes tham significantly greater than the sum of the their parts. Like a spell has been cast and poor helpless randoms can’t possibly compete with that sort of Godlike power.

This is the crux of the issue. If you read and respond to nothing else, please do to this.

What advantage exactly, do you think these premades have over randoms? They aren’t in comms calling targets or CC. They aren’t in fully BiS gear. They aren’t R1’s smurfing. By your own admission they’re “below average” players. But suddenly if you throw 3-5 of them in a group all of a sudden they’re greifing you and gaining some sort of colossal advantage that can’t be overcome by randoms?

You alluded to an advantage gained by sync queuing but didn’t articulate it. Please do so I can understand.

Explain what exact advantage 3-5 average players gain by pressing the queue button together and how that advantage is so great that you’re on the forums complaining about it.

For that matter explain how even 10-20 “below average” PvP’ers turn an EBG into a stomp if they could all get into one together which I haven’t even seen happen. But if they did, what advantage do they gain over randoms other than a willingness to work together as a team?


I’m actually kinda sad that you don’t think that’s possible.

I remember farming Classic Ashran a few months ago for the 5,000 HK’s off the main road achievement. I was playing around Solar Spire trying to pick off some solo Horde but losing the match handily to a Horde premade and Karie joined.

He didn’t join with a team or queue-sync his way in. He didn’t even have leader but he started typing in chat and coraling the Alliance team into taking back SS and heading to RoC to farm some scrolls and get the healer mana buff.

About 15 minutes later he had been given leader and was using literally nothing but raid warnings to turn the table and turn a stomp taken into a stomp given.

I think I joined back later in the day to the same Ashran with Karie holding AA and hundreds of HK’s just demolishing every Horde that joined that day.

It doesn’t take some elite premade of 30 God Gamers to stomp. All it takes is one thing for the team to play around. Every Alliance who joins that Ashran is going to press H to open up the scoreboard, see a Hunter with like 300 HK’s and instinctively play around that. They’re going to protect the AA, play around AA and listen to instructions. They’re still just pugs.


“We don’t go out of our way to circumvent a system”
literally using addons to get around restrictions put in place by blizzard

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explain how an addon that automates ready and role checks is exploitative?


Can you shut up already? I’ve never seen you not have an awful WL in a bracket you can’t cheat in. You’re sitting 50% at sub 1k in RBGs right now with regulars and every time you posts you’re on some arrogant soapbox. You and all your friends are completely awful at the game and the only reason you don’t get laughed into oblivion every time you post is because you do your goofy bragging on a forum full of casual players.

At least most of these people crack a beer after work and sign on to have a little fun (which you ruin with cheating, then bully them for complaining about it). You’ve spent years of your life strategizing, forming communities, etc. and you still get rolled by 1500 XP YOLO players, you absolute clown.



i guess you aren’t stalking me :person_shrugging:

im pretty sure last time i saw you, you lost.


Normal people: press queue button provided by blizzard that allows up to 5 people in a party to queue together, as intended

You: uses addons to sync multiple groups of 5 people to get into the same bgs

Using addons isnt “not going extra miles” to get around restrictions blizzard put in place

Addons aren’t exploits, the problem here is you contradicting yourself on the amount of effort and coordination being spent on this as opposed to regular people who just press queue and don’t sync

Most people don’t use addons to queue bgs, so right there it’s not as casual as “anyone can do it”



I guess their win rate doesn’t stay so high when they face other premade raids.


Pretty sure theres been multiple reports from other posters saying inemia afks out of potential losses as well which doesn’t record losses


i really think you guys are assuming there is a lot more effort to this than there is. we can have multiple premades ready to go for multiple games in as little as 2 minutes.

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Typical Inemia post. Can’t say anything direct to the discussion so makes up irrelevant responses. Not that beating me solo queuing into a BG is brag worthy anyway even if it did happen (and it may have, I have no clue). “Totally 40v1’d you, brah.” Lol

Yeah, no bragging rights for Inemia in real premade content. Lol I don’t know how this guy stomachs being so insufferably egotistical when an average player like me can look at his WL at any point in the season and laugh at it.

Like get a life, Jesus.


now you are just being childish, there is not one pvper who hasn’t afked a game for any reason they want

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