Epic Premade?

I assume social soccer is similar to pickup basketball. People show up on the court to have some fun and get some exercise.

When someone shows up wanting to stack their team so they win every game and roflstomp the other team, it ruins the fun for everyone else.

In the case of random bgs, it’s unfair to have premade raids on voice chat going against solo pugs, especially when the bracket isn’t supposed to have premade raids.

This isn’t a in their mind thing.

I doubt people honestly believe premade raids vs. pugs is fair in random bgs. One side is literally circumventing restrictions to gain an unfair, competitive advantage.

no, i went to practice 3 times a week and played two games every weekend. this was 4 grade. the exercise is what make casual sports fun, video games don’t have exercise. so again, the concept of showing up to play without trying to win makes no sense.

heres a better way of putting it, you showed up to a court where there is already a group of people who have been playing on that court every day for years, its their court, and now you want to claim they are playing unfair because the social play and teamwork they have practiced for years is well above your own. they are just you with more experience and practice.

so what? its unfair that games start with uneven teams and healer counts, its unfair their team is stacked with FOTM and yours is not. life isn’t fair. you have to deal with a certain level of unfairness in things.

it doesn’t matter because like i said, fair is about if they won or not. if you win against a premade with pugs, all of a sudden the complaining about fairness stops and people start saying gg and how awesome that was.

complaints of fairness are mainly crocodile tears shed for losing.

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We’re talking about social soccer or pickup basketball. There are no practices. Teams are random. It’s casual fun plus some exercise.

In pickup basketball, teams are random. In fact, you usually want to split up the better players so the games are more fair and fun.

Premade raids are basically people who insist on stacking their pickup basketball team so they win all their games and roflstomp the other players.

Ah, the life isn’t fair so it’s ok to cheat excuse.


Fair is about facing teams that aren’t stacked with premade raids, in a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids.

No. Pugs recognize they managed to win against unfair odds. That doesn’t mean the premade raid problem went away.

If they managed to beat cheaters, it’s not like they suddenly have no concerns about the cheating.

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My team is in Discord, always. Because that’s how I run things. We all hang out, play music, poke fun at each other, tell each other why their day sucked, etc. We’re family. Most of our disc chatter has nothing to do with the game 90% of the time. I actually have to say ok clear coms, let’s focus! :wink:

And we never leave when we see Toothless. Even when it’s apparent that our pugs aren’t listening, we find a way to have fun. Like making them chase us all over Ashran :smiley: Or using their WG D strat on em. They didn’t like that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Good stuff, I was just thinking these forums been kinda stale.

then at a certain point you are going to have to accept that a pug with 10 games played is going to face players with 10,000 games played.

your doctor will disagree with you.

fair to who? in the eyes of the better player, they are being penalized and forced to take losses they don’t deserve.

to use your basketball analogy, premade raids are just the people who hang out at the Y all day and have got to know each other well enough they enjoy playing with each other.

its not cheating. just because you don’t know how to socialize, don’t know how to do logistics, and don’t understand how the queue system works, does not mean players who do understand this are cheating. and given that its repeatable, teachable, and open to everyone, most definitely falls into the mastery-of-the-game category and not the exploitative category.

you can’t actually draw a conclusive line on that, 5 man group limitation was about limiting premade control in WSG, they also added the timer and tie score rules at the same time because what was happening was premades where queueing for WSG, then spending 3 hours GY farming teams.

all epics have either timers or resource limitations that put a stop to how much a single team can farm. so none of the original controls are really needed here.

additionally, nearly all players who prefer epics over other pvp modes tend to recognize they are more enjoyable and better played when its a social affair with large premade teams.

there is no premade problem, there is an anti-social pug problem.

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I didn’t feel like reading all the back and forth of these 100 plus replies. Got to like 40 something. So I’m going to say something queue with premades and I queue solo. Though I’m part of many communities I think I actually queue solo more. My take on this is it’s a game quit crying over irrelevant stuff. Join a community if you want a more organized strat. Or play as a complete pug like a chicken with your head cut off. See most players are either too lazy or naive to do anything themselves in these bgs. It’s why they don’t do rates of any type. Most are followers and then if they lose to organization come here to complain. There is no argument to this. It’s just crying at this point. You aren’t getting what you feel you deserve and throw tantrums. Go make a community and do it if you want to win at this point

Oh no, you got beat by a group of people using raid warnings to communicate strategies, the horror!


That’s exactly it.

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I wouldn’t be so quick to throw around accusations of mental gymnastics while in the same reply you’re hitting us with chestnuts like this.

The rest of us don’t need to sync queue and force overwhelming odds to get our wins. But yes keep telling me how it’s US who are the meme.

EDIT: After taking the time to read your replies to Holycow your accusations of mental gymnastics have been rendered even funnier.

EDIT2: I think it’s very telling that a lot of the folks who run premade Epic BGs work so hard to try and handwave away what they do. At least Miz is upfront and honest about what they do.


nobody here is denying running premades, what we aren’t doing is agreeing that its bad.

“people premade because they want to play with like-minded players who wants easy wins.”

There, fixed for you.


everybody wants easy wins. pugs just get mad at premades for denying them their own easy win.

I don’t lol.
A 100% winrate is boring


BS, after a while it gets very stressful maintaining that. i had a 456 game win streak in ashran including maintaining 100% across 1 or 2 seasons, you end up dreading the load screen because it means this could be the game that ends your streak, and you get mad at players who just want to give up because they don’t care about win rates and their laziness and incompetence is going to screw up something you are personally proud of achieving.

But if you wanted to guarantee you win EVERY game, like, truly guarantee, you could do that, but it’d get boring.

Or at least I can lol. Y’all know how I am lol.


I don’t.

Easy wins are boring.


it all depends. sometimes the game is boring without a win streak. its possible to have a boring win and its possible to have an exciting loss.

some players are of the mindset that when the universe presents you with a new talent, skill, or craft to master, you are obligated to take it and master it. if i wanted to build a perfect team, i would start with players of that mindset. once that team masters the art of winning, then it would move on to winning better, then faster, then winning with style and finally winning with minimalism. perhaps something comes after minimalism, but i haven’t found it yet.

