Epic Premade?

Please make a music video with the others though for everyone’s entertainment <3

Considering that they leave whenever their side loses the first team fight, that means they always win, doesn’t it?

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The mental gymnastics required to think that someone else trying to win somehow adversely affects your “game experience” is hilarious.

I don’t even like calling them “premades” when they are effectively nothing more than people who are willing to listen and play as a team playing together.

But somehow there are guys like you who are that tic-tac-toe meme yelling at their monitors like “I DIDN’T EVEN WANT TO WIN HAHA”, “YOU’RE SUCH A TRYHARD FOR TRYING LMAO”, “OMG YOU’RE SO PATHETIC FOR WINNING HAHA”.



Not really…

Its more like a bunch of pvp casuals showing up to Social Soccer and the teams are randomly picked. People are just there to have fun win or lose. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose.

But soon your Tuesday evening casual soccer has a group of 5 lads who insist on playing together and dominate anyone who is not also a 5 man lad group.

I just did the right thing for the community as a whole and told them they were no longer welcome. Neither did the other 4 social soccer communities in my city accept them.


Stacking an epic BG so you can ez mode vs disorganized pugs is cringe.

Creating drama threads cause you can’t exist without the negative attention is cringe.

Throwing around terms like mental gymnastics when you can’t even admit queue syncing is exploiting is cringe.

Talking about being the last vestige of PvP community, when you’re a massive part of why it’s died is cringe.


Well, that’s what they are.

They’re a premade raid team on voice chat going against random solo pugs.

They’ve basically turned their PvP experience into PvE. Guaranteed to win with minor effort.


Pugs are there to have fun in a fair competition. They’re not supposed to be facing premade raids on voice chat in random bgs.

Premade raids ruin PvP for everyone else. Do you not see all the players leaving your games?


The OP runs premade raids and farms pugs for HKs. They used an alt to create this thread about themself. I hope they got the attention they crave.

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Damn dude you are really over estimating what these “premades” do.

They aren’t in comms. They aren’t mega geared or full of R1’s. They are literal casuals who play as a team and type in chat. That’s it.

If half a dozen guys typing in chat and following instructions therein is enough to become unbeatable by “randoms” and yourself, then the problem isn’t the “premade”, its the fact that you and the average player in an epic BG are utterly unwilling to communicate with their team and play to a strategy.

A “premade” is literally 5 average at best players without gear, not in discord, not god gamers who will type in chat “Let’s all go Hangar and push flag” or “fight on flag at WS” and instead of running around mindlessly as the gates open they actually follow the instructions and somehow that is enough to fold the average Horde player and these forums in half like a camp chair.

Like some “group” of players who are willing to follow the most basic and minimum of instructions without being a toxic toolbag is enough to be some sort of queue-ruining, insta-loss insurmountable plague on the game.

This is one of those very rare occasions where it’s actually easier to just play better and be better to win rather than go running to forums complaining and asking for nerfs/bans in order to win.

Using your analogy, it would be more fitting to say that there are 20 people showing up to a “random” game but they all want to be Centers, no one wants to tend goal or play the wings, no one wants to defend and no one passes the ball, ever.

Then there are 5 guys on the other team that are willing to play whatever position the team needs and are willing to work together in the most basic and rudimentary ways like being willing to pass the ball and the team with those guys wins each week. What a shocker. And instead of the 20 toxic toolbags being willing to work as a team or communicate or defend or pass; they instead petition the umpires to force the 5 guys to not be able to play together because it’s “unfair”.

Complaining about “premades” is some real Karen tier stuff. “No one on my team wants to be Goalie so the other team shouldn’t be allowed to have one either! This is so unfair, waaaaaaaaaa”. That’s what you sound like.

Yea if I lost EBG’s because I refused to type in chat or listen to others or follow instructions in any way or help out my team or play the objective or defend I’d call everyone who beats me “cringe” too. Because once you’ve tried and failed, the only coping mechanism left is to pretend you don’t try and call everyone who does try a loser instead, right?


Did you read this thread?

We’ve been discussing premade raids in epic bgs.

That’s what the OP runs. They used an alt to create this thread for more attention about their premade raids driving other players away from PvP.

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The only premade raid on Alliance is Ruin and that’s a Discord full of guys who are muted and/or deafened listening to the Ruin leader talk about what he had for dinner last night and complaining that it took Uber Eats so long to get to his house and that they didn’t want to walk up his driveway etc.

Anyone who survives for more than 3 seconds in that Discord is a next level masochist. It’s either their leader using Ruin as his personal food blog or people laughing about how easily they’re farming the AV cave for HK’s and how yesterday they got 360 HK’s in a single AV.

I know it’s easy to imagine a squad of R1’s in full gear are in Discord calling their crosses, kicks and CD’s while coordinating with a target caller to wipe the floor with your average EBG Hordies but that isn’t what’s happening at all, ever.

Your imagination has run wild with what Alliance “premades” are and now you’ve got this idea in your head that doesn’t represent reality. The truth is that “premades” are just half a dozen people who type in chat and work together or Ruin which use Disc to be less effective communicators. I’m not kidding.

Is the OP part of Ruin?


Premade raids vs. pugs is blatantly unfair and it drives players away from PvP.

Against a premade raid, people would rather take the deserter debuff and not PvP.

It’s gotten so bad that pugs recognize premade raid leaders and they leave before the game even begins.


Not that I’m aware of.

I played plenty of EBG’s with Ruthlessbro months ago in SoD though. It wasn’t anymore complicated than calling “F1” in WG for Flag 1 or “F3” for Flag 3 etc. Turns out that once you have a reputation you can just call strats/objectives and 99% of the raid listens.

Well, that’s another one. Ruin isn’t the only premade raid on Alliance.

That’s the OP on an alt.

Are you saying they don’t run with premade raids? They just call strats and 35 solo pugs listen to them?



Again, it’s easy to think some super elite squad of R1’s is in a Discord calling all their CC’s and CD’s and targets and folding your team but that isn’t the reality.

The majority of EBG’s in SoD when I was playing weren’t even full 5 man groups. Usually it would be a leader and 1 or 2 SoD guys or even just someone like Ruthless que’ing solo and still winning 95% of games.

It’s because mindset is the most important part of EBG’s. The team that thinks they’re going to win, wins. In completely random games that means the team that wins the fight at Hangar, or wins the fight at Workshop or is the first to cap both bunkers in AV wins the match. The team that assumes they’re going to win is happy to play the objective and happy to play aggressively and happy to run into back lines to hit healers etc because they assume their team is going to win the fight.

With “premades” it’s even easier to win because Hordies see Ruthlessbro and leave. Which means Horde start undermanned or backfill just before the gates open and spends most of their time prior to gates opening complaining about premades or that it’s “gg already” etc rather than discussing strats/objectives. They teamfight timidly, and don’t dogpile healers. They assume the teamfight is lost already and don’t play aggressively and in so doing, assure their defeat.

You’d be surprised at how easily people will follow instruction if they’re reasonably sure said instruction will lead to victory. People will backcap in AV and get Solar Spire in WG when asked. You’d also be surprised at how fun EBG’s become when the team works together and communicates in chat.

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Just to confirm, you’re saying the OP doesn’t run with premade raids?

Zero premade raiding?

It’s probably because they’ve developed a reputation for farming HKs with their premade raids.

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Obvious fishing for a “gotcha” moment but I’ll bite.

Yes, I am saying that OP doesn’t run with premade raids. I know this because it’s literally impossible to queue as a premade raid.

You don’t even have to take my word for it, either. Form a raid and try click the button to queue for an Epic Battleground and find out for yourself.

Just noticed you have 8817 posts so maybe you’re not fishing for a gotcha moment and instead you’re just this pedantic.


So your stance is there are no premade raids in random bgs.



Btw, how does Ruin accomplish this impossible feat?


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They’re rare enough that they’re virtually non-existent.

I farm Achievements. I’ve been farming BG’s and EBG’s on and off for years to slowly work towards Honor Level 500. I spent a few months in SoD queuing 5-10 EBG’s a week and I never once saw or heard of or participated in a premade of more than 6 people.

The vast majority of my games were with 2/3 other SoD members but I usually just solo queued as a healer while a SoD group was queuing which meant I was often the 4th, 5th or rarely the 6th man in the premade and only got in because I queued as a healer.

Anyone queuing solo as DPS wouldn’t get into the same match. Multiple leaders with their own groups would never get put into the same match and I don’t think there was ever a time where two full 5 man groups were queuing at the same time except for the Classic Ashran event but those groups would never get placed together anyway with so many Ashrans going.

I’m sure that at some point there have been premades that queue multiple 5 man groups that get put into the same match together but I haven’t seen it or experienced it. I remember spending a few hours back at the start of Shadowlands trying to play with the RUIN premade which I think had 4 full 5 man groups and in two or so hours of queuing AV we didn’t get a single match that had more than 2 groups placed together which meant we spent 2 hours sitting in queue and leaving queue and never once actually playing the game.

If there is proof of this happening I’d love to see it. But I get the feeling there are just a lot of Hordies out there getting stomped thinking that there must be some mega elite 30 man raid in Discord coordinating a stomp.

The simple fact is that randomly getting 2/3/4+ full parties into the same EBG raid is borderline impossible but these forums make it sound like it happens multiple times a day which makes me think it’s… untrue.

What does happen often is that a single well known leader can queue any EBG and stomp so long as they have some reputation and lead well because average players will follow them and make it appear like its some elite unit taking names.

Agree to disagree.

Well, now you can say you have heard of larger premades roflstomping pugs:

You keep using that word (impossible). I do not think it means what you think it means.

It’s not random. They purposefully sync queues until they get the same queue pop.

Well, it does happen multiple times a day. Various premade communities do it multiple times a day in DF.


Someone on the forums saying it totally happened isn’t proof.

Let’s say you go into Ashran. The gates open and you head to RoC like every team ever. You get there and notice no Alliance to be seen and think “oh great, we farm the Ogres and win”.

Your team runs up the stairs and fights the Ogres. Out of nowhere a shrouded 40 man team of Alliance appears behind you, pops lust and destroys your back line which is all your healers and your team gets turned into a fine paste.

You think to yourself that it must be a premade because they grouped up together, baited the Ogre engagement at RoC, avoided being seen, shrouded in and decimated your team.

What really happened is that one guy asked to get leader before the gates opened and got it. He then used a raid warning to say “We go RoC, hold on Skull when I drop the marker. Any stealthies that can get Solar Spire would be great”. The alliance team heads to RoC when the gates open but the leader drops a Skull marker outside LoS of the graveyard leading up to RoC. The whole team waits there for 20 seconds or so because no one wants to run in alone or try to fight 10vs40.

The leader uses raid warnings to spam “shroud” after leaving the skull marker and again to spam “lust” when they reach the RoC stairs and engage the Horde team trying to kill the Ogres.

The Horde team is fighting Ogres and is bottled up on the stairs and due to shroud and lust, the entire Alliance team attacks at the same moment and starts blowing up Horde. A Druid or Rogue got Spire so the teamfight is decided pretty quickly when Alliance DPS are blasting with 50% Haste buff. Alliance healers pick up the sparks for infinite mana, the team picks up marks and collects the AA, wands, shields and scrolls.

The Alliance leader then says “turn in then group on F1”. Everyone runs back to hand in marks to summon Fangral because following the raid warning instructions won them the teamfight at RoC so why not continue following them for a nice easy win? Fangral is summoned and the whole Alliance team now has an objective to play around. The Alliance leader doesn’t say much other than reminding people to not push farther than 1 flag ahead of Fangral.

Any subsequent teamfight is automatically won because Alliance healers have literally infinite mana and a couple of people out of the 40 man raid are going to use scrolls/wands anytime Horde tries to fight, AA is going to clap or at least become a target no Horde wants to fight into.

The game is already won at this point regardless of what happens next so no real leadership or fancy strategies are necessary. Playing around Fangral or not, killing Horde mage or not, spreading out to defend flags or not are all winning plays.

From the perspective of the Horde team it seems like a 30 man raid premade just rolled and smoked them but that isn’t really what happened. It was just one guy giving 39 others some direction and coordinating a strategy. Like most endeavors involving many people, all that was necessary was for one small advantage to be claimed and then capitalizing on it became second nature and much easier to do than countering it. Once one of your DPS has AA, your healers have infinite mana and your whole team has Fangral to play around, snowballing to victory is a formality even for 39 randoms.


this i don’t get at all, how can you not want to push to win all the time? even when i was on a casual soccer team as a kid, we won state. to me if you are not going to care about the game, why queue up at all? there is no reason to play if you aren’t pushing to win. sports at least has the added benefit of exercise, im not a pro cyclist but i still ride for exercise. there is no benefit, mental or physical, to showing up to a competitive game mode in a video game and then not trying to win.

to most pugs, if they win the game was fair, if they lose the game was unfair. in their mind fairness is not about a good set of sporting rules, but all about the outcome of their personal narrative.