Epic Premade?

its not unfair, you can sync with your own friends too. in fact SAS has recently opened our addon to everyone and we are more than willing to teach others how to play and premade epics.

i think its important to understand that regulated systems can become captured and corrupt, issuing rules that are not actually helpful to society and even harmful to individuals. blindly following these rules makes one as guilty as those who implement them. thus it is a moral imperative to examine rules and laws and choose to follow or break them depending on if they fit the validity of a moral society(love they neighbor)

example being 1930s germany. after the end of WW2, we found out there wasn’t thousands of SS, there was a few hundred for all of germany and its captured territories, they were only able to operate with widespread fear because the true spies were german people reporting their neighbors to the SS. had they not obeyed and instead broke the rules about reporting people, Sophie Scholl would likely have not been executed.

following the rules because they are the rules does not excuse one from the guilt of participating in a corrupt system. and people who blindly follow the rules are just trying to excuse themselves of being complicit.

therefore, its of moral importance to break rules that don’t really matter, to uphold the ones that do, and to take the time to use your mind to figure out which is which.

What kind of a person makes a thread praising himself…?

Dear Ms Inemia,

Thank you for your input. But what does what you just posted have anything to do with your premade?

And that’s all you really need to know about people who premade Epic BGs.


It’s not cheating if you can cheat too?

What addon? Do you use an addon to bring premade raids into random bgs?

You might think the 5-person size restriction for premades doesn’t really matter, but the players on the other team do. Their replacements do too. And their replacements. Etc.


is it cheating if i use a saltwater and you don’t?

its an addon that automates all of the group functions for party members like ready check and role check so they can just chill and wait while group leaders work out all the logistics.

what stops them from making their own communities and premades?

Why are you comparing circumventing restrictions to using a saltwater? Do you circumvent restrictions when you use a saltwater?

Morals. The spirit of fair competition.

If I wanted to run with premade raids, I could. But, it’d be pretty boring going against pugs.

More importantly, it’s extremely unfair to the pugs, the ones abiding by the rules. I don’t want to drive legit players away from PvP.


nobody is circumventing anything, we are using knowledge as power.

“if i wanted to run with running shoes on i could, but i choose to run bare foot. its not fair that you are using shoes to run faster than me, you should not be allowed to use shoes either”

that’s what you sound like.


The thing is tho- I care as much about your sync queue friends as you do about the random Pugs you’re farming.

How do i get in on this for my horde toons :smiley: lol

I mean it’s a valid question these days. I dunno if pugs on horde side are getting worse but they used to have more spirit. There’s probably a correlation between worsening horde pugs and merc being up for alliance consistently the last week+.

I see I fly under the radar once more… hehehe

That was the thread money shot for sure.

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The hoops premaders jump through to justify their play style. Just own it man. We all know Blizzard isn’t going to do anything about it. Stop trying to find ways to skirt around what you’re doing. Your manipulating queues plain and simple. Just say what you want to say.

“I manipulate queues to play with my friends and to increase my chances of winning”

It’s not like Blizz is going to suddenly pay attention and ban all of you guys.


you can search for Savage Alliance Slayers in the community finder, however, its hard to get in as we are nearly always full, we don’t want to split into multiple communities so every few months Cinco will purge inactive members to open up room. it might take a few attempts at applying. you could also try messaging one of the currently active leaders.

You’re a friendly community that doesn’t want anyone to feel left out.

Also, you don’t want to expand to let more people in. So, they’re left out.

communities have a cap of 1000 members, we have already moved alts to an alt community but our main comm is still filling up. other communities traditionally solve this by having a 2 or 3 or 4, but this splits up your community into factions and cliques. we’d rather have one main group that everyone participates in.

the main issue is blizzard arbitrarily setting the cap at 1000. they should remove the cap entirely or just raise it to 5 or 10 thousand. iirc they said something about there being a technical limitation, but ima call BS on that. 1000 is not near any number you could get from technical limitations, the nearest would be 1024, a binary number. they are manually setting the value at 1000 and pretending they can’t do anything about it like its the old gold cap which was based on the 32 bit max integer.

You were going on about how your community saves players from leaving WoW, etc.

Sorry, we’re full.

We could expand, but you’re not worth the hassle.

we view the social splitting of creating multiple comms as part of the problem causing players to leave. say SAS is at capacity and we create SAS 2, well then the first few people will populate that comm and be alone. on top of that they will be left out of the main culture of SAS. perhaps they might grow in time, but would they have the right stuff if they aren’t growing from the main comm?

essentially putting people in a 2 or 3 doesn’t get them in the original community, you need to be with the people to be with the community.

this could be solved by blizzard just changing that value


You could split 500 from SAS 1 and move them into SAS 2. Then, you wouldn’t have to worry about people being alone. The main culture would spread too.

Why would they limit it to 1,000 if there was no technical limitation? Did they just make up a number to annoy players?