Epic Premade?

Do you see how many players desert the game when they go against y’all?

Do you know what’s a free win? Premade raid vs. pugs.

If anyone is looking for the most free wins, it’s a premade raider.

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my team has grown skillful over time, im not going to count that as a fault.

“Most” people don’t premade epic BGs though lol. The kind of premades you are talking about usually are doing 15 man BGs not Epics.

epic premades happen every day

That doesn’t counter my point though lol. Epic premades are done by a select group of people mostly. Largely by Epic BG premade communities.

your point not being sharp enough to have a pointy end countered it from the get go

99% of the time I run into an Epic BG premade it’s being lead by someone I recognize from and Epic BG community. The same people that always run them. People who just for up premades are doing 15 man BGs. I don’t know why Epic BG communities can’t own what they do lol.


we dont play like bgers

Oh lord…

Explain please

God won’t save you from not reading the thread and jumping in the middle of the discussion without context or clue.

Context of the thread is someone making a thread about themselves for attention. Cool.


i asked ChatGPT for a summary for you:


The thread revolves around the topic of premade groups in epic battlegrounds (BGs) in a game, with players expressing their opinions and experiences. The original poster (OP) mentions encountering a premade group led by Ruthlessbro, a player known for being strong in BGs. Several players in the BG chat start afking (being away from keyboard) upon hearing about Ruthlessbro’s presence. The discussion escalates with players expressing their frustration and pointing out the negative impact of premades on the overall experience.

One player argues that if they are queuing solo against a premade group, there is no benefit in continuing the battle as it would only waste time. They mention specific players, including Ruthlessbro, as being part of a “cancerous” premade group that ruins the epic BG experience. Another player counters by saying that alliance players are also guilty of similar behavior, sharing instances where alliance teams dominated but then afked or allowed the opposing team to win.

Ruthlessbro, the player accused of leading the premade group, joins the discussion and acknowledges the attention generated by starting the thread. They defend the idea of playing with like-minded players and having fun, arguing that premades are formed to avoid playing with uncooperative random players. They claim that most premade groups are formed to play with friends and enjoy the game together, rather than simply seeking an unfair advantage. The debate continues with players discussing the impact of premades on win rates, the social aspects of premade groups, and the dissatisfaction of facing premades as a solo player.

Inemia, another player involved in the discussion, supports the concept of premade groups and argues in favor of playing with like-minded players. They highlight the positive aspects of premade communities, such as fostering social connections and providing a more enjoyable PvP experience. Inemia disagrees with the notion that premades are detrimental, suggesting that the negative attitudes and behaviors of some random players contribute to the popularity of premade groups.

The thread showcases conflicting viewpoints regarding the fairness and impact of premade groups in epic BGs. Some players believe that premades disrupt the balance and enjoyment of the game, while others argue that they are a natural result of players wanting to play with friends and like-minded individuals. The debate concludes without a clear consensus on the issue.


Oh magic conch shell…

The problem is the bot doesn’t know the person who started this thread was complaining about his own premade from an alt lol


So I just learned about the existence of epic BG premades yesterday. I hadn’t really done any BGs in a very, very long time, since I generally arena on all of my characters and one season’s gear always plays into the next. I’d always just spam arena in whatever questing gear you end up with at the start of an expansion. That doesn’t work in Dragonflight because you’d be 150ilevel behind and there are multiglads at 1400 these days.

I gold-boosted a neglected Shadowlands class last night, went to the epic BG queue to work on honor and got roflstomped in an AV. The allies met our zerg force on the ice fields, wiped us, and then spent the next 10-15 mins GY camping. At the end, someone grumbled about ruthlessbro but I didn’t think anything of it. Until… next, a Wintergrasp popped, someone again loudly complained about ruthlessbro and around 15 people just straight up left. You won the BG in what I assume is the minimum possible time required to assault and win a Wintergrasp, which somehow gave me 400 honor and was honestly a pretty solid return on time invested. Maybe 5 minutes in total.

I was then put into what I’m told by my fellow horde was another premade run by Axemanthegreat or something like that. It was an Isle of Conquest, and the allies executed flawlessly, including somehow getting a Glaive into the boss room. That was actually impressive to be honest, since Glaives die to a stiff breeze normally. In total there were maybe half a dozen ally deaths.

Needless to say we lost all of those premade encounters, and I can see how people who do random BGs with some frequency would be pretty upset about the situation.

Personally, I was in there with a character wearing Season 3 Shadowlands conquest gear and just watching some HBO documentary. I tried to just sit on a point somewhere, but 120k health doesn’t go very far.

The fact that you made a thread about yourself on a low level alt is pretty much exactly what I would expect from someone who circumvents the Blizzard queue restriction system to stomp some poor casuals in unrated battlegrounds. Do you also trip small children or shove sticks in the spokes of their wheelchairs as they get off the short bus after school?

All of that said: a major kudos to Blizzard for the current gearing system. It only took about 3 hours total to get my full honor set, so I get to put all of that nonsense behind me.

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what a time to be alive!

Dear Ms Inemia,

Okay, first of all, I don’t like to argue with you on the forums and in game, but after seeing your arguments here, defending premades by circumventing the 5-group cap in Random BGs and EBGs, I feel really compelled to jump in and join this arugment war.

Please show to me, is there a system that you can get more than 5+ players into Random BGs and EBGs using Blizzard’ group-making system? In PvE, we have a system designed by Blizzard that we can group 20 into a raid group. In Rated 10v10, we have a system designed by Blizzard that we can group 10 into a rated 10-men group.

If your answer is no, that Blizzard doesn’t have a system that can group 5+ into a big group (say 20 players), then WHY ARE YOU USING THE PARTY SYNC TO GROUP 5+ PLAYERS INTO A BIG RAID GROUP IN EBGS and RANDOM BGS? You’re officially exploiting the system.

Let me tell you a life story. About 2 weeks ago I chatted with a person who lives in a country south of my country Canada. In the last general election in his country, he voted twice on election day. Yes, you heard it right, he voted twice, once in New York (where he works so the ballot sent to his apartment) and once in New Jersey (the ballot sent to his home state) on the election day.

Now you’re thinking, this is illegal! Yes, the pubic consensus is this is illegal, but there is no law that prevents this person from voting twice. Therefore, this gentleman exploited the system and created a way that benefited him.

As you can see, your 5+ men premade is the same thing as the said gentleman, exploit the system in order to put you in an advantageous situation. As a result, this creates unfairness to the public.

Update: By the way, he says he will do the same thing again this coming general election? How to stop him? Currently there is no way, because there is no law that prevents him.


I mean, there are very few laws to actively prevent people from doing unlawful things. The law is there to outline the punishment after getting caught doing the thing.

Double voting is easy to do, but also not the sort of thing you want to get caught doing, because they’ll throw the book at you.

I agree, I watched several double-voting incidents on news channels. As far as I know, they all got away because no law currently prevents such incident.

It is funny to see some people who exploit, whether in real life or in game, think exploit is okay.

Instead of re-explaining to Inemia for the 100th time that Blizz blocks raids from queueing for EBGs and that queue syncing to get around the cap creates an unfair advantage and is exploiting, can we focus on what really matters here: how absolutely cringe it is for Ruthlessbro to make this thread about himself on an alt? It is so pathetic, I’m actually laughing (while shaking my head) IRL.