Epic Premade?

Let’s look at 2021 Inemia VS Today Inemia

2021 Inemia

W1343 /1003 74%

Battle for Wintergrasp
W738 /601 81%

W152/141 92%

Isle of Conquest
W 1167/801 68%

Today Inemia
W 2018/1650 81%

W 1328/1148 86%

W 776/743 95%

Isle of Conquest
W 1793/1383 77%

So what about when I solo q and strat call and lead us to victory? Is that “cheating” too?


For those who doubt:

http s://imgur.com/SXXHiyN

Names removed for privacy.

Taken just now. Wasn’t against a premade (that I know of), most aren’t running at this time of day. But Alliance can and do win on occasion.

The entire time, chat was filled with woe is me we’re losing style messages, other people saying they love eBG chat. I do too, the crazy things people say. And the people asking for gate % all the time, like, download Capping, the addon for the timers. Stop asking.

And don’t ask about my keybinds, I use an unfair advantage.

The guys at Honor level 846 or something who have entire Communities built around other people wanting to play with them aren’t good at the game! They beat me so they must be cheating! The fact that they win so much proves it!!!

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Yes, my previous guild did them every Friday night. The raid would be listed and opened to pugs, disc was required. We’d get falling down drunk and have a good time. Now in CC/DJL we play every night and save Friday for a little more rum. :wink:


Sounds like a pirate premade all right.



those numbers aren’t right, for example my ashran record is 1051-35, not 776-743.

Whoops! Copy and pasted the wrong column.

Fixed! Little fun fact, when I was compiling all of this data together a few years ago, I had to triple the amount of Horde toons I gathered from just because your own statistics were tilting the percentages.

That’s creepy stalker kind of stuff. Stop it.

People wanted to know who was winning more, horde or alliance. I compiled the win/loss rates of hundreds of PvP toons. It’s probably accurate +/- 5%

Difference between pugs and premade?

Premade Leader : Explains strat in chat, majority listens

Pug Leader : Explains same premade strat in chat, majority complain/ignore/troll/afk/gg wE lOsE

That’s an interesting point.

In a premade raid, it’s very clear who is the leader.

In a random pug team, who is the leader? Is it the person assigned raid lead by the system? How is that person chosen? Is it the first person who zones in? Is it by highest honor level? Is it random?

I go by whoever volunteer strat calling. I’ll do it most of the time since chat is quiet, and I’ll keep going until we win or lose. Sometimes we get players who don’t give-up and we turn the situation around. But you’ll always have those who troll wanna-be leaders like myself and derail the whole BG.

Basically everyone should know the major BG strats and a few alternate strats in-case the original plan doesn’t work out. If they don’t know or are new players, usually cooperating with who ever seems to know and offering leadership can go a long way.

Most will follow an group blindly, assuming they know where the group is going. The problem is the leader of that group also doesn’t know where they’re going, but since everyone is following them, they assume they are going in the right direction.

We always see Video guides of how to raid/build classes/M+… but how many BG guides are out there? Describing strats and counters? I’m not a content creator, but I’d love to get more content from more experienced players.

It’s random, but if you are in a group then you get assigned leader . Even if it’s only a 2 person party


they dont even play the game they pvp here on forums more then they do ingame lol


That would be me, what would you like to know?

Ruthless, why did you make a thread about yourself? That’s kinda strange.


^^ A little late to the party…

It’s a forum. You can’t be late. :herb: