Epic Premade?

We didn’t buy the “second account” excuse in 2006 and we’re not buying it now.


What is happening is 5 people or less join your Epic BG and stomp your team and you invent this fiction in your head that 30 fully geared R1 AWC Champion PvP’ers sitting on Discord calling their targets and CD’s just professionally and surgically stomped your game.

If you’re playing at prime time on the weekends it might have been 10 or less and they’re pugs in a group. They’re average players who are half-geared and not in comms. They aren’t elite PvP’ers and they aren’t stacking meta specs or healers. They’re just playing the objectives vs a team that isn’t.

It’s funny that you mention LFR because Premades are almost exactly like LFR. They’re a collection of average and random and oftentimes undergeared players that all get thrown into the same game. You talk about Premades like they’re tryhard Mythic raiders and I understand that it’s convenient to tell yourself that after a loss but it isn’t true.

It is funny though, seeing this forum talk about premades as if Liquid secretly queued up against an LFR team in a race and how that isn’t fair lol.


You joined my ebg. Don’t be salty you lost.

I buy it. My first account from Vanilla got lost through myself not remembering the right email. I just moved on to a second account :slight_smile: so for someone to be really good at the game and tell others they are playing a second account isn’t farfetched. You should know this of all people.

Over a reasonable amount of time shouldn’t the second account become similar to the first?

Why is it always people with 1400 Achievements saying their old account was R1 or Hero or something similar?

Not trying to single out you in particular but from my experience it’s always people with no/low achievements saying their old account had high/highest achievement and that’s why nobody believes them.

FWIW I lost my first Runescape account and my second one was significantly more accomplished than my first because I got better at the game over time. I’d expect something similar in WoW.

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Ogpapabear likes achieves and collecting.

No offense taken mate. My first account had some massive pvp achievements.

I never did arena apart from to get the conquest cap for the week during cata.

So I cant say im a 2400+ player. But its not super outrageous that a really good player has another account.

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Basically the only way its plausible is if its a high ranked player smurfing, which does happen quite a bit.

But if its some random on the forums talking smack, then you can take that with a grain of salt.

That’s cool. Can you actually argue the point though?

I’ve only claimed to have played a long time. No mention of titles, achievements or anything because it’s not relevant to the point.

It’s ok to just admit that calling queue syncing vs Pugs LFR PvP triggers you and you’re very mad some forum random dared to say it.

I don’t think anyone else is the triggered one, lol.

Idk, I’ve had a lot of replies go right around the argument to try to discredit me for making it.

Isn’t that usually where all the claims of people being triggered come out?

I’ve got 2 accounts as well. I used to have 3. It’s typically people who have been here since vanilla. There used to be harsher character limits on realms, so if you wanted to have a lot of alts on the same realm then you needed to have multiple accounts.

thats so dumb tbh im glad they removed that tbh

I run and lead premade epics because the risk of getting mass-reported by disgruntled pugs (that don’t want to follow any strategies in a team-based game mode) is far, far lower in them.

There is no functional difference between a premade that isn’t using voice and a pug group, except for the willingness of the players in the premade to listen to strategies and the leaders not having to deal with people that want to abuse the report system to get a person willing to step up and lead silenced, or worse.


I think everyone should make a second account even if its just a trial account (free and easy to do). Being able to test out addons or weakauras in a party with your toons is so nice.

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This is absolutely true and the crux of the issue that many that lose vs premades are unwilling to accept.

Because accepting that is accepting that they just got outplayed. Their ego can’t handle it so they instead choose to believe that joining as a group gives some magical and unsurmountable advantage to the premade and that’s why they lost.


yet they say ppl who premade have the ego

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You can control the composition of the group, the ilvl/gear at least in premades. You can require a certain level of rating or knowing strats beforehand, other than that I can agree with some of your points.

You can, sort of. But you can’t control which of your groups get in to the same eBG.

All going to the choke point, Hangar or SR doesn’t require a team strat meeting.


I don’t know of any premades that do this, ever.

In RBG’s sure, this happens but not in BG’s or EBG’s.

Most premades are literally just “Queuing in 3…2…1” and one group, maybe two on the weekends presses queue along with a couple of people queuing solo and then you just wait and see if you get a queue pop at the same time as other people. There are absolutely zero requirements to join groups and obviously none to queue solo.

Then you get to play with people who focus on objectives and play the maps as they’re meant to be played, which is really fun. Actually defending in IoC and backcapping in AV etc.

If you’re really lucky you’ll queue into another premade and get to strategize properly against teams doing the same. Backcapping, flipping a GY, teamfighting, defending guardians etc. EBG’s when both teams have leaders and teams playing the objectives are some of the most fun content in the game imo.

Way better than RBG’s because EBG’s are about objectives rather than deathballs PvE’ing.

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