Epic Premade?

I can confirm this. All the pre-made teams I’m in do not use voice or discord or anything else outside of the game. Most of the time it’s not even a raid warning. It’s just people who e.g. know not to suicide the siege in IoC by lemming themselves into the enemy tower canons. Something a pug is almost guaranteed to do because all they see is vehicle=gate.


I have failed many times to convince IoC pugs to take vehicles to defend glaives or assault Hangar instead of taking them to a wall. In their mind, like you said, vehicle = wall even if that means a single turret takes them out and the wall takes no damage.

The impact a group or two that are willing to listen and/or think about what they’re doing can have, is insane. The difference between a team that takes WS and mindlessly throws vehicles into a gate vs a team that takes vehicles to protect Glaives or re-take Hangar is game-winning.

It’s not that surprising that people who don’t participate in premades think that they’re comprised of NBA-like all-stars who have taken the weekend off of AWC finals to stomp some pubs. That isn’t the reality at all but I can understand how people think that when the difference between minor strategy adjustments can have such enormous impact.


Slightly irritating it may be but that’s the fun of randoms when both teams have those kind of players who make bad plays. Who ever can manage amidst the chaos wins.

Which premade communities are you in?

Therefore, in your own opinion, premade vs pug is NOT fair because you need to spend time convincing pugs to do “the right strategy” while in premade everyone seems to know what they’re doing.

This confirms you just want easy wins, not wanting or give up to teach pugs how to do objectives.

I respect Ms Inemia as a player, but after seeing her Ashran is 95% win rate, up to this point, I am convinced that 99.999999999999% of her Ashran wins are from running premade. Ms Inemia definitely loves easy wins.

Blizzard is now implementing non-faction-based Random BGs and EBGs, so when, say 6 5-men groups doing the premading by 5 4 3 2 1 all click Join, those 6 groups may be put into opposing sides. I hope Blizzard can quickly release it so we can enjoy those premade groups kill amongst themselves.

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That’s your take? After a very elequant explanation of why this dude prefers premades over PUGs, and that’s your take. That’s terribly cynical on your part.

You just sound bitter and disgruntled. You OK?


I don’t understand what you’re trying to get at here. The team that plays the objectives better wins. It really is that simple. Premades tend to play objectives better because they’re willing to follow instruction and work as a team and think about what they’re doing and adapt on the fly.

Both teams are full of half-geared random specs with a random number of healers. Both teams have chat and raid warnings and a map and know the overall goal. Both teams are absolutely and undeniably equal as the gates open. That’s fairness to me.

But what so many here seem to have a problem with is that premades are a handful of people that work together and that is powerful enough in objective based content to be a huge advantage which results in better outcomes; wins. This is the definition of just being better. That isn’t unfair. As an example; the premade that knows they can take WS and then bring vehicles into the opening teamfight at Hangar and then use a Demo to hit the WS flag all game to prevent capping with zero effort or resources expended isn’t cheating or being “unfair”; they’re just better than the team that doesn’t do that.

Funnily enough the AV yesterday vs another premade that was a 40 minute slog and by far the hardest win of the day was the most enjoyable match.


You sound like me when I first joined a community I am actually so happy for you right now. I still remember the day Wintergrasp Enthusiasts (The Aussies Crowd) messaged me and asked me to join them as I was so ready to quit with all the toxicity and failure to work as a team in the ebgs.

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Epic BG Premades exploit a system intended to only allow queues of up to 5.

It is extremely cringe to group up in comms as 30-40 vs what is almost guaranteed to be a bunch of solo queues.

The current group aren’t as bad as they’ve been. When a certain group would RUIN epic bgs and turn the entire thing into a RUINOUS fight where they would intentionally not do objective and farm for 4-5 hours was genuinely terrible even for people who got in on their side.


…and you ever wonder why premades still do exist for like 20 years now?? So much for saying the system is exploited lmao…
Gotta love how ppl are pointing the fingers at Ruinous when there actually are other premades that have been around SINCE 2004 so uh did you just woke up from coma after 20 years or something??

Dear Sir,

Okay, let me re-iterate what I think it is unfair:

Blizzard developed 2v2, 3v3 and 10v10 for Rated PVP and 5-men, 10-men and 20-men for PvE dungeon and raid but they don’t have 10+ queue system for Random BG and EBG. However, we have a number of people who want to get as many of their friends (on the same Discord voice channel) together so they can get into the same match and win matches by using an exploited system called 5-4-3-2-1-all click Join.


Below is what I think it is fair:

The premade people, mentioned above, which form, say 6 5-men group, don’t use the 5-4-3-2-1-all click Join button, they say, oh we don’t need many friends to join the same match to win. In fact, we can click Join button RANDOMLY and suppose 2 groups got into Match A, 2 groups got into Match B and 2 groups got into match C, then so be it, we will dominate all 3 matches and we DON’T USE AN EXPLOITED WAY LIKE 5-4-3-2-1-ALL CLICK JOIN to get every group into the same match.

Sir, do you get my stance now?

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Your chance to get back at epic sync qers has arrived comrades

Ball up or stop complaining.



Truly the cutting edge of LFR PvP.

lol wat. There are good arguments for the existence of premades. Asserting that premade (especially epic bg q-sync) vs PUG battlegrounds are “actually fair” is not one of them.

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I don’t have any experience with the Premade you’re describing. I queue at roughly the same time as I see a group or two queue in a Premade community. Sometimes I get in and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes both groups get in, sometimes they get split.

I agree that certain Premade communities spam queuing until 30+ people get in that then proceed to ignore objectives, force the enemy team to spawn at a single GY and spawn camp them until resources run out to farm HK’s goes against the ‘spirit’ of the game mode and is pretty toxic but I don’t think it’s exploiting.

I think anyone who thinks it is exploiting would have to agree that by the same logic Liquid guild and Max would have to be banned because bringing a 21st man to raid lead 20 man content is similarly unintended and exploitative behaviour for the same reasons that some here think Premades should be banned.

They’re working outside of the system of the game to share a screen through Discord to gain an advantage over other guilds. They’re bringing 21 people to a raid made for 20 people. They’re actually much farther over any ‘exploiting’ line that EBG Premades would be because none of them use anything more than in-game communities, raid warnings and rarely, Discord.

As for the Discord or “comms” issue that keeps being brought up; Discord is used in all other game modes in WoW. Raiding, M+, Arena and even Heroic dungeons and M0’s at the start of the season and it’s never an issue. I don’t see why it would suddenly become one because of EBG’s.


pretty much this lol

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bro youve done 9% of pvp cheevs to be fair that is LFR pvp .

Cool. Bragging about stomping pugs is still pathetic.

Do you see me bragging about a year old accounts PvP achievements or my alt rankings or anything?

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youve done 9% and you wanna talk about LFR of pvp at least have more then 9% cheevs first