Epic Premade?

don’t be childish, some pugs are downright toxic. you are trying to act like they are innocent, when they are not.

Is that what happened here?

The pugs were being toxic to this person?

What did the pugs do to drive this person into their poor behavior?


probably throwing a game, an act which is now reportable as gameplay sabotage.

Do you actually know? Or you’re just guessing?

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well the word probably was used to indicate i don’t have solid knowledge of what exactly happened.

So, you don’t actually know what happened, but you’re already blaming the pugs.



i don’t need to know what happened. if someone doesn’t rage 99 games, then they rage game 100, probably something about game 100 that is upsetting them. if the only factor special about match 100 is the pugs, then it must be the pugs. this is simple logic.

Emle, if you have a personal issue with a leader in SAS, you could talk to me directly, instead of ya know, removing me from your friend’s list and trolling the forums. this “if you’re not with me, you’re against me” mindset is more self destructive than helpful.

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Welcome to horde side, i’ve seen screenshots of what people on horde side have said…and all i gotta say its downright embarrassing and sad, i’ve heard one of your members had a rage fit on disc or w/e after losing to me twice cause im cocky or something lol…idc
just a game i only play 1-2 nights a week, epics aint that serious nowadays since pvp is on the downhill and everybody swapping over to D4

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compared to alliance who has tried to report SAS afk when we merc?

with a winning team comes passion, with passion comes emotional investment.

you beat up a single split group, from what i have been hearing, you afk or don’t take the pop when its our main team.

I haven’t heard anything or seen anything about this. But you know what i’ve heard about you guys? I heard you guys been kicking multiple people cause they play both alliance and horde??? idk the full story but if this is somewhat true thats kinda toxic.
You guys been kicking some good people for no good reason. but w/e i believe cinco has her reasons whatever that maybe. all i know is that you guys community have hurt quite a few people.

Bud, its a game, idc if i win or lose. if my group fills into a backfill into your guys game. ya i am goin to /afk lol… goin to be straight up with you guys. I see you guys do that all the time. its whatever im not judging.


Press X to doubt.

we kicked 3 people for spying/throwing games. one person was multiboxing, and one person was toxic and stirring up trouble for some of our members in other communities on alliance.

IMO most accusations of afking on both sides are a split pop smartly decided to leave against a full team.

why are you playing with a controller?

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When people desert a bg, they’re smartly deciding to leave against a stronger team?


Yeah when it’s 5 people and pugs vs a full premade or 5-10 backfilling into an in progress loss, sure is.

That’s great the person apologized in sas discord, but I’m not in sas discord, I’m a pug


who’s fault is that?

The pugs were def fine that game, the ally had 21 resources left, we tried for the trem kill, but the locks were using rift… I personally got ported outside 3x, also was the fact a mw monk was healing trem… sometimes the trem kill will not happen because of circumstances such as these among others


Inemia, I did not leave sas or unfriend you until 2-3 weeks after this happened… I did talk to Cinco a few days after the incident, and she did apologize, but followed it up with a reason why she really shouldn’t have to, bc they were trying out diff things… the reason I finally left and unfriended most of sas friends is bc of cincos comm message that said if you don’t participate with the community you will be kicked… squatters are not allowed… to be removed from an rbg group w/o a talk to before or after (i had to ask Cinco to talk), and then to see that message, that was a slap in my face… and I did not troll the forums… I was personally in that ashran and have the screenshots… I tried to send a disc message to Cinco, but could not (wouldn’t be the first time she blocked me)… and I have mentioned concern to other leaders in sas before, and nothing was ever done

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