Epic Premade?

how would you know?

Oh, so Blizzard doesn’t need to buff the AV NPCs?

Just take snowfall to stop 5-minute games?

I guess you would know.

It does depending on which GY’s the opposing team has. Back capping GY’s and then recalling to base to clean house also has the same effect. AV is basically a game of controlling GY’s and controlling rez points.

But if you want to play it by blindingly running into the opposite base and finish the game in less than 10 mins , you won’t like that

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I think we’re discussing a zerg vs. zerg situation for 5-minute games.

Neither team is counting on snowfall for their rush.

If anything, rezzing at snowfall in a zerg scenario puts you far away from offense and defense.

yep. not like you can prove me wrong.

You can stop a zerg by recapping GY’s and then having enough people recall . You can do it with a 5 man group.


you talk like someone who understands AV on paper from reading a wiki, but haven’t actually ever been there.

You do realize your premade raids are creating bad matches for all the pugs right?

You’re the cause of bad matches that regular PvPers leave.

That’s pretty clear.

Your enjoyment is nullifying the enjoyment of many pugs.

See how many people leave your games.

Ah, I’d form a community that somehow gets into all of your games to stop you. Sounds feasible.


no, their looking for a free easy win is why they leave.

sounds to me like you lack the necessary knowledge and mastery of the game. if you don’t know AV all that well and you don’t know the queue system or social dynamics all that well, perhaps the issue isn’t that premades are ruining your fun, but that you feel entitled to wins you haven’t earned yet and are looking for excuses and blaming premades is the easiest and most obvious way to rationalize that you lost.

even rated 3s isn’t “fair” to new players, if you queue into your counter comp all you can do is take the L. what really matters is your persistence and ability to keep playing after a loss that determines how far you will go.

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People don’t want to play against cheaters. When they see cheaters, they leave.

You made it clear that your premade raid community wants easy wins.

You feel entitled to easy wins because you circumvented restrictions to stack your random bg team.


nobody here is cheating, i’ll even give Alec his nonesense isn’t really cheating, we aren’t hacking the game, we are taking opportunity that you snub your nose to, now you cry that it was used against you.

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I guess that’s one way to try to put a positive spin on cheating.

“Taking opportunities”…

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how is it cheating then? what rule are we breaking?

Are you circumventing restrictions? Yes.

Are you gaining an unfair advantage? Yes.

Is this Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct? Yes.


which restrictions? show me what rule says me and 20 other parties can’t all queue for pvp at the same time.

nope, you are free to do the same.

Better turn off all your addons because they circumvent the restrictions of the base UI.

Better uninstall Discord because having access to information and networking opportunities outside of the game is an unfair advantage.

Get over yourself mate. You’re not some righeious crusader calling out the evil wrongdoers. You’re a pedant and everyone thinks you’re cringe.


I think you might find most people think queue syncing giant groups so you can roll pugs because you are terrible at the game without stacking it in your favor is cringe. I guess if you are only including said queue sync premaders when you say “everyone” here, you might be right though, but I don’t think anybody cares about what any of them think.


is that any more or less cringe than rbg teams in full fotm meta comps rolling yolos in rated?

These guys are never going to own what they do. Deep down they know what they’re doing, they know it gives them an advantage, they wouldn’t do it otherwise. They are going to keep pounding the same conjectures thread after thread.

My theory is these dudes really need this to continue to be a thing. It’s how they reassure themselves that they are good at this game. Because without this very specific workaround, reality paints a very different picture of their skill level.


Both teams are following the game restrictions when queuing for rated battlegrounds and any comp that is consistently rolling people will end up at a higher rating facing teams that put up a challenge. Pugs that queue for epic BGs are following the game restrictions on party size, you are not.