Epic NPCs mega nerfed today?

So yesterday NPCs were like 600% stronger. They went from one shotting players to easily being able to clear RoC in Ashran without deaths. The Ashran mage went from 625M hp then to 99M now.

Was this a stealth change made today? It’s a dramatic difference.

Edit: Oh my bad not a stealth change. Hot fix just earlier today.


Gooood very good.


I wish they had left it like that. Games were a lot more fun when there was danger around every corner.

And it funneled people into actually playing PvP.


They should have left it and let us slowly progress through it naturally as we become more powerful throughout the expansion.


That’s a shame Epics will go back to not worth Queing soon. I was hoping Epics would be relevant for once and great PvP. Guess that was asking for too much.

I feel like you don’t like PvP.

Bingo best PvP ever. Real shame it was tuned maybe we can get them to reverse it.



Not a good change.


Blizzard seems to prefer you keep it simple in PvP—just hit a few buttons and go. I suppose that’s what happens when players who don’t quite master the craft make the loudest noise.

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I read that they’re scaled to item level, not sure of the specifics but mob health’s an algorithm not an assignment. Matches are supposed to last 30-45 minutes.

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Imagine having high honor LVL, and yet you can’t take on new PVP challenges.

Congrats. It’s back to boss zergs. No PVP happening.


I agree at first some of the npcs were abit much in damage but the massive hp/damage actually made it feel more engaging than just running past them as like nothing ever happened, before the nerf they put pressure on any player isnt a tank to actually route around them or get few players to kill them and the lead boss npcs dont just die in like 20-40 secs of being engaged by players which gave the opposing side a chance at defending


Real talk. I guess we’re going back to where cringe blood dks can solo bg bosses again. Cringe lol.


im actually kinda sad now

did they nerf the final boss HP also? lol tremblade/vol?

i really hope we dont go back to the bosses being solo-killable / zergable in 3 mins


Sad fact with the nerf yes we go back to the crap of rush zerg bosses agian. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


expansion ruined, once again blizzard isn’t listening to player feedback while pretending they are.

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They should keep mobs deadly, but nerf damage form siege vehicles.

I liked that Drek and Van were powerhouses. They should be, they are icons.

It should force players into collecting resources and strategic plays where resources matter.

Isn’t that what epic bgs are about?


noooooo whyyyyyyyy it was so much funnnnnnnnnn . they should have left it alone . It was nice not always zerging pve boss rushes ugh :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


we’ll see how the que times are tonight. Hopefully they didn’t just nerf everything down to 1 shot capability.

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We played 2 matches today and had to stop. Epic is completely different after the nerf, not only it’s boring now, people lost hope quickly and started afk again after a wipe knowing their boss and npc won’t hold up long enough for them to fight back.

We asked a few participated in the matches, hardly any enjoy this nerf change!

Very sad with this nerf, especially after the experience of the past few days. I havn’t had this much fun in epics for years!


yea we haven’t even really been queing much most people are more interested in leveling alts, professions and so on. Season 1 is only about 11 days out so that’s gonna be nice to be able to do rated content again. I don’t see the epic bg climate changing, the appeal isn’t even there really with ally ques being 30 min+.




Oooooooooooooooo! :frowning: