It’s well known that he has never and will never main Alliance. Unless you can show me where he’s mained Alliance, we’ll just have to leave it to what we know.
That is, Ion only plays horde.
shouda roll’d a horde son
It’s rough on alliance side … went 1-5 tonight mercing . Only good thing is lightning fast queues and the bonus honor
Be honest; is Blizzard giving you any real incentive to reroll Alliance?
We get bonus honor you know!
Only epics. The smaller BGs are so easy Alliance side, but AV…?
Never gonna happen.
The most annoying thing about all of this is that like when you complain about it and your like why do alliance loose so much people in the battleground tell you its just in your imagination that alliance looses most of their games and that horde say the same thing. I freakin play both sides. I win like 90% of my games on horde and loose like 90% of my games on alliance. There’s clearly a problem…its not just in my head is it? lol
Stand strong.
alliance’s problem in epics isn’t racials, its team coordination. horde loses when they play like alliance. alliance lose because they don’t play like a team. when you have a good group that plays like a team you win.
This started about 6 months ago are you saying all of a sudden the Alliance become dumb.
you mean about when AV and IoC where split off into their own queue?
IMO the issue is that alliance has been going years almost completely uncontested in AV. horde was stuck with a half afk or apathetic team because they could only blacklist so many bgs.
horde running the modern strat won in legion just as easily as they do now.
the reason horde is suddenly so dominant is because they are no longer filled with mostly afk and apathetic players upset they got AV, it is full of players who specifically want to be there.
so its not that alliance got dumb all of a sudden, they have been getting dumb (at AV) for a long time now, the fact of the matter is if you don’t face a challenge you get rusty or never develop skill and understanding at all.
AV and IoC were handed to alliance on a silver platter for so long they never really learned how to do well in them. its why premade groups who do know what they are doing, like SPM, are dominating horde pugs. horde simply doesn’t get a challenge in AV anymore and IoC is quickly following in its path.
But that IS the problem; according to Ion, most of the talented Alliance players rerolled horde to take advantage of superior racials.
That basically left us with the bench…who is not going to play as well as the better players.
ion wouldn’t know his head from a hole in the ground when it comes to pvp. he may have pvp’d during wrath, but that doesn’t really count for much today. honor level 4 means he doesn’t pvp enough to cap on conquest every week or deal with how overpruned classes play in pvp or deal with a lack of vendors.
any commentary by him about pvp would be as absurd as commentary by me about how world first guilds operate in mythic raids. he is simply too far removed to really have any good expertise in the subject, so his commentary is about as worthwhile as bird calls.
horde racials are mostly meh for pvp anyway. not that racials make a huge difference to begin with, the vast majority of players are nowhere near the ~85th percentile or better to take advantage of racials in pvp.
i’m sorry but i don’t believe that most of the regular bgers are switching factions to get on mythic raid teams to roll around AV at 415. smart pvpers know they don’t need gear that high, and bad ones will never make mythic raid teams anyway.
the main reason i have seen people switch to horde is win rates, and most of them go back to alliance rather quickly when they see the wait time for horde’s ebg queue.
He is literally in charge of the game. I think he would have a bit more access to information that either of us.
do you think a director of any company has any real understanding of a product they don’t use on a regular basis? reading a numbers chart and actually taking part in pvp are two completely different things.
I am having the same result on both … maybe because I am in still the below 30 bracket?
But I am mercing my way up the levels quickly
Yea hit 30 and above.
Inemia I know where your going with this, but I made a post for you. you should keep up with that one. me and you disagree on 90% of where we think the game should go, that’s why I only said a few things in your post and then dipped out.
I will give you the AV theory, but the rest NO. we have done and been through this before Alliance for the most part has always been the underdog. Deathmonger is right this whole thing started when racials became too powerful again.
I know you think everything you’re saying is a fact, but it’s not until you have the stuff to prove it.
you forget i have played on both alliance and horde. horde players say they are the underdog and alliance are full of children. alliance say they are the underdog and horde is full of children.
i started the whole thing off with “IMO”.
They are children on both sides and like I said I have respect for your opinion but we agree to disagree.