ive been thinking about this for a while and i may be alone on this but i remember back in the day when getting a purple item meant something. why is it that epic gear is now just given out like welfare in this game now. why even have green and blue items at this point. it means nothing. i think the game would feel a whole lot more rewarding if epic gear was only obtainable in raids and conquest gear pvp. everything else should be blue or green like back in the day. thats just my opinion. gives you something to actually work for rather than knowing no matter what youll have full epic gear once you hit max level. i dunno thats my rant. lol
Gearing is like an AARPG now, but a lot more boring.
The current game needs a serious revamp for gear.
Oh look, the same nonsense topic that’s been around since 2005.
All gear is meaningless. It will all be replaced each major patch.
What you want is called peacocking. Showing off that you where in a raid.
And for gods’ sake, man, use the shift key.
Epics were never only available from raids or pvp
Have a good one
Were you told to be offended by my comment and reply to it?
feel free to play classic to get that feel, but then you’d be disappointed because pvp/raiding isn’t the only source of epics in classic either
The colors wouldn’t exist anymore if it wasn’t for enchanting.
They are just a way of knowing the kinds of materials it d/es into now, that is all.
Epic gear has always been meaningless - where have you been the past almost two decades of WoW?
clearly this just brought the trolls out of hiding. my point was they should revamp to make gear mean something. rather than just give it away.
You played your hand too early.
You had a good bait thread but then pulled the bait out of the water at the first nibble.
That was in vanilla…been quite some time since then. That’s almost like saying I remember back in the day when having a fast mount meant something
On behalf of all Blood Elves, we do not claim him as our own. We all don’t care about what color our gear is.
Nothing epic about epics, and nothing rare about rares. I get it; I’m more concerned about making gear fun and not just Stat sticks.
Everything is purple but it has ilvl, you cant do higher content without gear lol, im playing on wrath classic, as soon as you hit lvl 80 you can literally hit the AH and get all purple gear
i dunno. this thread seems to be getting more meme by the minute. i triggered the river of salmon on this one.
I’m a little confused by what you mean when you say “mean something”. Are you talking about item rarity? Item quality? Exclusivity?
I to miss standing around in Org, or Stormwind having low level pups staring at my sparkly pixel purples saying how cool I looked
Those days are long gone.
maybe they could re define what the quality means in the future. like 11.0 those items could be:
Gray items = armor only
white items = armor and stamina only
Green items = armor, stamina, 1 stat block worth of stats.
Blue items = armor, Stamina, 2 stat blocks worth of stats. (double the stats of a green items at same ilvl)
Purple items = armor, Stamina, 2 stat blocks worth of stats, and an effect or other bonus.
Yellow items = armor, Stamina, 2 stat blocks worth of stats and 2 effects.
Orange items = armor, Stamina, 3 stat blocks worth of stats, 2 effects and a bonus.
Tan items are artifact items
Brown items are now BoA items.
Red items are Corruption items. mostly flavor items but have a strong effect and a strong draw back. eg: deal 500k damage to a single target. and take 500k damage.
it’s been like this since wrath, let’s not pretend like it’s some retail 2023 thing
exclusivity would be a good start