Epic BGs unplayable

I thought dev was the nuke spec for evokers?

L O L.

I like it.

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You wont log in and ever fight vs me in any sort of PvP setting. Your lies are invalid.

You won’t provide any information so how can I?

They are not lies, I have the proof to back them up unlike you.

No. You don’t. Also you won’t show up in Durotar or Dornogal to get embarrassed. Yet another easy win. Thank you for showing and exposing yourself.

Isn’t that illegal?

In some jurisdictions absolutely. What a fun and chaotic mess that could be. I just thought of a new question though. Would this person act the same IRL or on Discord? Probably not. Man that would be interesting to find out!

Yes i do.

Again, you won’t provide any information.

Win from what? This is a video game forums lol

You’re welcome, at least I have proof you are lying, and you have proof of nothing.

Act the same as what exactly?

You have proof that you’re far below me, and afraid to get annihilated in PvP on live stream with everyone here watching. End of story.

Enjoy the loss.

They are both the nuke spec.

Incorrect, I have proof you are wrong, you have zero proof of your claims.

Yet you are the one that won’t provide any information.

Again, what loss? This is a video game forum.

I was about to say something about this but then I just saw you in a battleground as dev. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would play aug more if I had haste gear.

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You are, of course, welcome to continue engaging in self-dialogue if it brings you solace, yet the undeniable fact remains: despite your prolonged efforts, your rating languishes at 1500, while I, with the benefit of multiple characters, have ascended to a commendable 2300. This stark disparity is a clear indication of the pressing necessity for you to seek professional psychological assistance. It is hardly my responsibility that you were raised in a less-than-ideal environment, deprived of the opportunity to develop fundamental hand-eye coordination, nor that your experience in both the real world and within the virtual realm is consistently marked by defeat. One might suggest that, prior to indulging in further vocal complaints, you might endeavor to surpass the 1500 threshold unaided, but considering your demonstrably poor performance in PvP, such an accomplishment is absolutely and factually impossible. Your recent humiliation at the hands of a superior player like me, only serves to underscore your deficiencies, leaving you with little recourse other than to stew and boil in your frustration, lamenting your losses both in the echo chamber of your feeble mind, and within World of Warcraft. Funnily, these ruminations do little to alleviate your mental state, as you are in a state of shock beyond your own capability to recover. Given the rise of severe disorders of the mind, one might hope that a cure for your condition is forthcoming sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, in a delightful turn of irony, my newly created level 80 hunter, which is equipped in green/uncommon PvP gear and having only just achieved that level a mere
2 hours ago, now holds a far higher rating than yours. It’s easy to see that you’ve been shunned here, and it’s time for you to log out.

I’ve been rotating characters. See the wrong group? Take deserter and try again.

It’s one thing to run into a premade that makes a point of winning quick. But there’s a group I see a lot on alliance epic/korraks that makes a point of dragging out games for as long as possible while denying the other side honor. An hour for 300 honor? No thanks, I have better things to do with my time.


Just curious, is English your first language?

Screaming lies into the void like normal lol sad life you must have.

I wonder if Korraks and the Brawls are taking people out of the Epic BG queues

Eh, honestly to depends on the leaders mostly. I’m going to que solo tonight a little bit just to get a feel for what its like to be solo again.