Epic BGs unplayable

Every game it’s the same names on the other team. At this point I just afk out and close the game.


Yup. I am noticing alot longer queue times too

queue with me brother

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But Communities and Sync premades are good for the game! /s


So, epic BGs are unplayable because you’re seeing some people in your next BG? That’s your argument?

Honestly, do you comprehend what you read?

Get ready to be attacked sadly. Good luck sorry you are going through this trash. Just got to hope blizzard wakes up and fixes it honestly.


Do you?

Oh wait, we already know the answer to that. You have a very poor grasp on language.

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Ahh you never fail to project and deflect. Not sure why you and your ilk are still even allowed on here. So much for there no trolling rule.


Just need to go post in your Community chat to come brigade and flag his post as trolling lol :rofl:


I’m not even in a community and that wouldn’t even work the forums mods are very biased.

You’re still using those words incorrectly.

Because destroying your poor arguments isn’t against the rules.

Denial doesn’t change the definition of words.

Well, you have never done that. But as I clearly stated it’s the bad trolling that’s ignored. Once again you fail to comprehend what you read.

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You don’t know the definitions of those words. Your grasp on English is very poor.

Yes I have, which is why Blizzard listens to me and not you.

Incorrect. Just because you don’t like words doesn’t mean people don’t know there definition.

Ahh yes blizzard def listens to a level 11 hidden account… and you wonder why nobody outside of your echo chamber don’t listens to you.

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It was a joke

Seems to be I agree

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Right, you not knowing the definition means you don’t know the definition.

They do, that’s why I’m able to continue queueing premades despite your spam about it.

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Yet I do know the definition hence the reason I use them. It’s just a bonus they fit and upset you so much.

I don’t “spam” about anything. It’s a known fact blizzard cares very little if at all about random bg’s these days. Them ignoring it doesn’t mean people can just do whatever they want. People like you are the problem and the reason that people that exploit have to be banned.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

Nope, you throw things at the wall to see what sticks, with poor spelling and grammar to boot.

No, they care very little about your pet problems that you troll about.

If that’s what you got to tell yourself. Sadly it’s not true.

Talking about something is trolling now? I guess everyone is trolling including you. Also, it’s not a “pet problem” it’s a problem that more and more people talk about every day. People are even quitting wow because of it. But you don’t care at all. I get it though you need to sync queue in order to get wins because you can’t cut it in fair combat. But the rest of us want the game to thrive and grow, we don’t really care if you don’t like that.