Epic BGs tanks / wall cannons still bugged out

Please see below for recurring issues in-game for myself, and many others when participating in Epic Battlegrounds.

:warning: Note: the following happened again tonight / morning - 5/7/2019 - 5/8/2019 - around 11:00 pm - 1:17 am E.S.T. - Character: Wolfnor (Hunter) - Server: Emerald Dream.

  • The first issue happens when I build a tank / vehicle. The catapult (the 1 key) does not launch the projectile. This issue has happened in every vehicle / tank at some point this expansion, and past expansions. The Wintergrasp wall cannons also have this bug. Isle of Conquest’s wall cannons do not seem to have this bug, but their tanks do from the middle base, Workshop.
  • The second issue happens when my tank is destroyed. My camera keeps turning uncontrollably 90 degrees. Note : /reload ui seems to correct the issue, but is NOT a fix.

These bugs happen in every Epic BG where there are vehicles, etc…

:warning: NOTE: ALL OF MY ADDONS WERE OFF!**, and I even reinstalled my game. I’m REALLY tired of the Blizzard tech. support team saying “the following issues are on your end” (the player). I run the game as is in Epic BGs (no addons), and it is still breaking. Thus, it…is…not…my…end!!! I’m a programmer by profession. Please consider this feed back not as a random player, but as a fellow programmer. Set break points, and check the logs. There has to be errors in there. I hope you all have error trackers. Players are even submitting videos with live demonstrations of the bugs listed above. If other players are experiencing the same issues with, and without addons, then there is a high chance this is not on the player’s end, it’s on Blizzard’s end.

Video of a player experiencing the tank 1 key not working properly: Isle of Conquest - Demolisher Bug

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I have the same problems in IoC and WG. First death, or in the case of IoC (including the tower cannon), death or the cannon being repaired, results in not being able to fire cannons for the remainder of the BG. Its extremely frustrating and I can only surmise that its affecting the outcomes of BG’s.

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The canons not working is 100% affecting the outcome of the Epic BGs. No question there.