Epic BGs are an absolute joke when premades are involved

That is one way to make 6, yes. Gold star.

I realize the limitations of the reporting system, I just wish that there was a better solution. How many times did we all see a group of people run to the harpy cave in AV and just camp out, occasionally attacking an NPC to stay in combat and beat the system to keep people from avoiding combat for set periods?

Indeed. Without a better matchmaking system (guaranteeing to be matched against another premade), this endeavour will only become another premade that ends up fighting pugs most of the time. I like the point mentioned by Velviita (suggests to focus on better matchmaking). While this is a very tricky challenge, I think it is the right direction, and if done right, a Pugs team with the right members (chosen by the matchmaking system) could have a good chance against a premade.

However, assuming Blizz will do nothing, or they will make a good matching system, I think it will be a lot of fun for all forum members to form our own Premade! I am fortunate enough to be in the same Pugs team with you a few times Arianniel. You always make great calls directing the team’s focus on where it needs to be - making the match enjoyable regardless of win or lose, and I would love to play with you again.

The same thing applies to all members here - it will be fun :partying_face:


Your solution is to make more premades?

This explains most of whats going on with premade , search for title in youtube i cant post link in here but you get the idea , " The Dark Side Of WoW Battlegrounds Has Been EXPOSED"


This is it


The problem and solution are simple. Make it so people aren’t allowed to queue in a group for random Battlegrounds. Blizzard allowed groups, and people took advantage of that. Now they get punished.

Random Bgs are random and for starting your gearing process for PvP. Groups and premades are for rated where people want to group and fast track themselves higher in PvP.

Sometimes the solution is the most simple one that pisses off the most people. But that’s what punishments are. Maybe they’ll allow you to group duos for Random bgs but nothing higher.

That would kill pvp so fast for many. Not being able to queue with a friend or two? Hard pass.

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Yep they simply need to mass ban everyone that has been abusing the exploit and fix it and bam better game for everyone

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Hmm…? I guess Only when one of the followings is true:

  • Blizz expressed clearly that they believe premade is the way (ie all they would do is to make things easier for premade- and leaves no room for Pugs), OR
  • Blizz would create a great matchmaking system making it possible for either sides to win, regardless its pugs vs pugs, pugs vs premde, or premade vs premade, etc
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Development decisions are often just based on metrics, rather than player experience or feedback.

So do not queue for Epic BGs. They functionally don’t exist until this is fixed anyway. Perhaps if Ion sees 50% reduced participation in epic battlegrounds on his little spreadsheets, he’ll look into it.

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Sees the plea to not solo Q for protest reasons.

Looks over and see the GIANT shiny red Q button.

Grits teeth and looks back.

Holding steady. Holding steady.

Sweat beads on his forehead, the strain is building.

Holding steady…



Looks back at the big red Q button and smashes it, crumbling to the massive pressure.

Whelp, made it pretty long this time.

Ohh Q popped!

Premade is just 1 guy use raid warning channel and tell people where to go. There is no called target firing. And average size of premade is less than ten usually.

The problem is, why isn’t everyone else know what to do in the game? why so many pugs refuse to learn these 17 year old bgs? IOC as example
There should be no one running bombs at wall, pugs do it;
All glaives should go to their position shooting the walls, pugs drive them around;
We should protect glaivs at all cost, pugs not coming;
Everyone should fight and die at flag, pugs are all 50 yards away;
Once wall fell, we can still save the game if everyone back to base and defend, pugs not returning;
It would be better if several steath classes ninja hanger when rest are defending the base, pug rogues don’t know what it means.

Premades just have one thing better, they know the games better.

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No matter how much truth there is to this, it’s still not a valid excuse for exploiting the queue system.


Ya this is just blatantly untrue.

Why is this even still an excuse? Epics are a one objective is the only good objective thing now. People zerg to one objective fight over it and win.

If there is no one defending what exactly is wrong with more damage?

Nobody goes glaives unless they have no other choice. I have never seen a pug drive one around lol

You can’t they die to fast.

Honestly just sounds like you are making up excuses at this point.

Very much untrue.

Honestly this is just sad at this point lol

Oh stop lol “premades” are some of the worst players I have ever seen. They only reason the do what they do is because they can’t win fair fights.


Hopefully he puts out a video on that client crash macro circulating at the moment.

This!! Ban every single little que synch dodger and cheater! Anyone in the communities, using addons, Que synching….ban them all! Start cleaning up PvP!!

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Those changes would be great, right after they permanently ban you and the other hundreds of que sync participating chair stinkers.


Heck yeah!! Ban them all!’

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It’s not just epics, it’s full premades in randoms too.