Epic BGs are an absolute joke when premades are involved

Dude! I was doing a freaking dungeon and i swear it HAD to be a premade

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I would laugh if they simply went the way of 5v5 arena.

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This continues to be a really poor experience. This needs fixing. Its been YEARS of this now.

Its clearly not intended or we could queue as a raid.

Please do something…


Ohhh….if you use a cuss word they ban you for weeks!!’ But if you use addons and scripts and cheat on large scale….meh.


Nah man you just need 39 “friends” to queue up with.


The question you need to be asking is when we all know the outcome of R1 Glad vs Newb, why would the R1 Glad spam challenge duels against Newbs on a daily basis?

A big part of what made random bgs fun was the mixed bag of players on both teams, which helped to create a challenging match in most cases. But people like yourself have reduced the experience to little more than a youth league soccer match where the score is 13-0 and the parents of the kids on the winning team are still screaming from the sidelines for their kid to “Sweep the leg!”.

The only thing random about the experience now is whether my team will have a fraction of the players it should at the start because a premade is either dodging or couldn’t be satisfied with having 25 people on a team, or will I get a full team of casuals with a 0% chance of winning because the other faction’s premade got their team together.


Currently in a obvious premade Ashran (most of the horde team is even from one guild…

And instead of killing the boss they run back out just to farm kills. What a horrible experience

Premade syncing needs fixing!


No, no, you misunderstand. This is part of their superior strategy they’ve developed after thousands of BGs. How else will the ‘monsters’ on their team have enough time to farm 2.5 billion damage and healing?! lol


epic bg’s have become unplayable garbage. good job allowing this blizzard

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Make a large group PVP queue for the people who want that. Take it in good faith that they’ll make the effort to organize queue schedules if the game mode isn’t very popular.

Change the MM weights for pug queues to favor unique team compositions and not having people run into each other repeatedly over the course of time.

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Sitting in yet another premade where they are drawing out the game as long as possible.

This is such a brutally bad experience.

Not only do they want to win, they make it as painful and long as they possibly can. They could easily have won this AV in 5 min or so, but no, they just ignore the objectives to farm kills.


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