Epic BGs are an absolute joke when premades are involved

It’s not surprising really. When mentioned, people (over here) tend to associate WoW with the terms ‘outdated’ and ‘boring’. Bringing WoW up with younger relatives always made me feel very old :rofl:

100%. Also please remove the PvE elements including levelling. It would make the offer seem much more attractive to the far bigger PvP player base out there.

Btw, I’ve been enjoying Plunderstorm (and its mogs :P), its still too rough but the concept is interesting. With more work, I think it can attract some outside players. So is the Epic BG and BG - their experience is unique enough and Blizz should make the best use of it and open it up to a wider audience.


It’s been a snowball effect.

I talk about how I see the concept a bit more in these posts:

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Thank you and I will take a closer look!

You know, I feel it would be good if ideas like this could be its own new thread (in GD) for greater visibility? Its a shame to see them get burried in a long thread…

how someone answers that question tells you a lot about them and whether their argument has validity or not. the answer obviously is that the new player should win 0 times against the R1, to suggest any other amount is to be unfair to the R1 and their years of skill gains and experience. often when people complain about fairness in pvp when really they are looking for equality of outcome. the current system has equality of opportunity already.

Wow, incredible wisdom. Thank you for this valuable insight.

The problem this game has always had is finding a way to bridge the gap between the 18 year player and the new player.

Cause if the 18 year player has a train that is miles ahead a new player has one that is starting out at the station.

And if both keep moving (keep playing) the new player will never catch the veteran.


Because it is an exploit and not intended gameplay.

You can only queue in a group of 5.

You cant have a raid join a BG except through exploiting.


thats called a community and youve been crying about grouping up within communities sooooooooooo……….

… what will the com be called?
im trying to combine idiocracy and hypocrisy into a coherent word.

It depends. I’m fairly confident that a 15-man team of average pvp players could take down a full 40-man premade. If I were in a 40-man premade and got gy farmed by a 15-man team, I’d probably feel embarrassed to stay in premade just to farm pugs. If that happens, we’ll likely see fewer premades.

But you’re right in a way, we can’t be sure. They might just dodge and continue hunting pugs, and as a result, we can only fight pug opponents as well LOL.


nobody is syncing 40 players. all it takes is one known com player on the other team to make the garbage trucks afk out.

If they are syncing 6, its an exploit.

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is that 2 groups of 3?

its funny you brought that up, because that’s basically how this whole thing started. a small group of people like you took down hydra (a really old big premade)

ever since big premades get scared of that

history doesn’t always repeat itself but it sure likes to rhyme i wish you success on your journey!

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I like where you’re going with this, and I have a suggestion to add to it:

A non-visible (to players) tag for the last BG that you played in, that will block you from entering another battleground queue with players who have the same tag but are not in a party with you. Make this tag last for a short time, 5-10 mins or so, after leaving a BG, or for people who fail to enter a particular BG when it pops.

it would force people in premades to either wait repeatedly after each BG that they sync into (or dodge), before trying again, while at the same time not preventing them from doing so entirely. It would allow the more casual or small 5 man groups to have a fair chance in matches as intended.

Not from entering any particular battleground, mind you, just to stop players from queue syncing into the same matches.

You guys seriously think Blizzard is going to put that much effort into fixing this? LOL.

This is the best you’ll get…

  1. Cross Faction.
  2. Account Wide Deserter.
  3. Break The Addons.

Some of you have been watching too many episodes of ‘‘Numb3rs.’’

I do like the “break the addons” part. It’s like ending the fed, it makes me feel all tingly inside.

I believe that a combination of all three would slow down the premade communities - and I do know that with the current type of people in charge (I wont go into specifics) that will be the most they’re capable of.

So, let’s start being more realistic… with our feedback.

Account Wide deserter would need to effect people who drop queues, too.

I also wish that there was a way to punish people who throw games in solo shuffle. Like healers that have zero healing in every match except for the two that they play with one specific dps. It happens more often than people will admit.

It also happens a lot in blitz, where healers will just run off to the far end of the map and hide, or just run around in circles in fights not healing until they die, over and over. The report system seems like a placebo function more than anything else.

So, essentially, this:

If the player you report is sabotaging gameplay on a regular basis, they’ll likely be reported regularly and they’re more likely to receive a penalty.

But you won’t be told. So it feels like it’s disappearing into the void.