What is your solution?
Cross-faction, just like Blitz, would be a start.
Premades and dodging have become so prevalent in unranked pvp you are just better off playing ranked.
They dodge you.
My brother, my pal, my guy… What even are you talking about?
So, step 4 on mine, good.
Maybe you’ll get a more fleshed out solution at some point.
I like how you turned this into being about you. Maybe someday you’ll actually argue in good faith about something… anything, ever.
If it is a problem that is not a priority, I don’t spend the money to solve it.
If lots of my customers are having this issue it becomes a priority.
But we’re talking about unrated EBGs, it has to have the absolute lowest priority of all the content, except maybe pet battles, maybe.
If you have millions of customers, and only a few thousand have an issue, then it’s not really ‘lots’, probably not enough for it to move up the priority list.
So, you have nothing to worry about, right? Yet here you are, posting 500+ times a day, trying to derail these threads as much as you can. I wonder why.
Who says I’m worried?
Because I’m allowed to, and I’m sitting around in queue.
If you want me to play the game more and stop posting, play a healer, so I don’t have to sit in queue.
I’m having discussions.
It’s a discussion forum.
It’s very interesting that you’re trying to shame me for posting and bully me away, why are you so worried about my posting about this?
Your constant need to derail these threads and avoid the topic at all costs.
I have a fleshed out solution to the issue and I’m discussing the issue, on a discussion forum.
You’re the one trying to prevent people from engaging about it. And you have no solution.
So, more bad-faith nonsense. Gotcha. Good luck.
You have 100 posts, telling people to not engage with me. Yet here you are, engaging with me. It’s odd.
Exactly. That why it is still a problem.
That is why I made this post. That is why Venruki made a video about it. Likely why anyone talks about it. The more people that agree it is a problem, the more likely Blizzard will consider it worth solving.
I just doubt that there are enough players who play unrated battlegrounds for Blizzard to ever worry about them.
It has got to the point that we need more players first, I think.
Hence my other threads about PVP renown tracks and separating rewards from rating.
I don’t think that will do anything, PvE players are totally turned off PvP and have been for ages, and the game doesn’t appear to get many new players.
I think PvP should be detached from the subscription and made to be F2P or attached to the Xbox Game Pass. We need fresh players willing to PvP.
Why do people say things like “stop the queue syncing” rather than “match the groups”?
That people queue sync is not the issue, it’s the extremely poor matchmaking.
And again, even in pug vs. pug games, you have the same idiots saying “it’s a premade” and deciding to give up based on that incorrect assumption.
You even have “soloers” on the forums lauding the most toxic, hypocrite premaders while at the same time saying there shouldn’t be premades. lol