Epic BGs and premades

I sense something personal brewing on your end.

Good luck with that!

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Stop spamming Hirav. You don’t even understand the article you linked.

They really do, I don’t know why you guys don’t speak up about it more.

Because in reality you are the one doing what he claims I am doing.

Well, between the two of us, you are the admitted troll.

Everyone trolls. You derail and lie. Hop down off that high horse.

nope, you make our entire side look stupid and i really wish you’d just let venruki do the talking. you have literally only made our side weaker.

I certainly do not.

I go where the discussion goes.

It’s not my fault that you refuse to accept reality.

Link a lie. This ought to be good.

Oh get out of here hidden low level account hahaha post on your main if you are going to troll.

Says the one that says things like “don’t believe your eyes believe me because your just biased” without even realizing the hypocrisy in that statement HAHA

I can’t link 90% of your posts.

I never once said that you should believe me.

I said that you shouldn’t simply believe your eyes, because you’re biased.

Not exactly but you implied that I shouldn’t believe the evidence. Of course you don’t understand implications.

Implying I should believe you. Not that you would understand or admit that.

So then who exactly do you believe if every single person is biased?

Unless there is a person who isnt biased? probably you likely in your mind.

Woops arguement destroyed.

I believe my eyes cause they are the most reliable source of information i have.

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How dare you use logic Enfers lol

Consensus, and repeatable, verifiable experiments.

Simply using your eyes leads you to things like the sun revolving around the earth.

You think they are, but they’re not.

You can’t even prove that the world around you exists, you simply assume that it does.

Except using our eyes and using technology showed us that the sun didn’t revolve around the earth. But that was simply based on perspective.

Oh boy here we go…

Yeah the salem witch trials would like a word.

Actually you can cause if you put your hand on a stove you burn yourself proving that the stove and your hand exists.

Anyway clown arguement.

Do you have the answer to hard solipsism?

You know you’d be richer than Musk an Bezos combined if you did, don’t you?

The stimulus is introduced to your mind by an external force, like the matrix.

Prove that you’re not hooked up to a computer and your entire experience isn’t simulated.

It’s a philosophical theory. Do you know what a theory is?

Prove that we are.

No, you’re the one who says they have the answer.

I don’t have the answer, I don’t know that I’m not a brain in a vat, I assume I am not. Same as all of us.

Just stop posting… We’ve ventured into clown territory in this thread.