Hey guys,
All day every day, I keep getting put into games versus premades.
Its impossible to win anymore.
Please help
Hey guys,
All day every day, I keep getting put into games versus premades.
Its impossible to win anymore.
Please help
This is why I havent queued a single epic in years. Literally impossible.
“Cant beat them join them”
No, ty
Just Que with me I win them daily.
regular random bg is better, or play blitz
I wish there was an unrated version of blitz.
Hop upon my shoulders little gnomelette.
Ignore the rating? Just enjoy the game. Or if you don’t want to lose rating on your main, maybe level up an alt to play blitz.
I don’t care about the rating honestly just want a chill version.
Those are also plagued with premades lol
True, but at least they match them better (including healers). Epics have no matchmaking whatsoever.
PVP Population
Alliance: 100k
Horde: 80
Dont know about that…
I’ve played in premades this weekend and we won 4/4 and only faced pugs while 3/4 of those ended up in a GY Stomp.
I played a few solo games and went up against 5 man premades who I consistently see playing together and are notorious for premading
The matchmaking of putting premades vs premades in Random Battleground is pretty trash imo
Agreed and also plagued with sync exploiters.
It’s also funny to me that the sync exploiters are back to only rushing bosses and not “playing objectives” like they always claim.
yeah, they suck
only horde premades do “objectives” aka pug farm.
well then, thats’s even worse
imagine almost 1 hour AV with our pug team with 2 healers vs a horde premade with 9+ heals. their excuse for milking the pugs is “oBjEcTiVeS”.
anyway, i think the premade problem needs to be looked at