Epic BGs and premades

That was ages ago, when Celinthia started posting.

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Ya this is just getting insane lol

You are a hypocrite like always.

I’m not the one who says they have an answer to the only question which is probably unanswerable.

The question wasn’t unanswerable, you just didn’t like the answer. Move on. I’m done here.

Yes it is. Prove that all of your experiences aren’t being fed to you by a computer.

You can’t. It’s just not possible.

There are probably very few impossible things in the cosmos, answering this question is one of them.

My other favorite one is: Prove this universe isn’t a simulation.

A negative proof fallacy. :laughing:

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I’m not claiming that we are in a simulation or that my brain is in a vat, I’m saying that no one can prove that they’re not.

When it is claimed or implied that, because a premise cannot be proven false, the premise must be true, or that, because a premise cannot be proven true, the premise must be false.


The degree of warrant for a given proposition is the balance of evidence that favors that proposition, not the absence of evidence that would falsify the proposition. The ability to say “You can’t prove I’m not right” does not mean you are warranted in believing you are right.

Note that there are cases in which you can logically prove a negative by demonstrating logical incoherence in a concept. A married bachelor is an example of such a concept.


You can’t prove I’m not right.

I’m not asserting that I’m right though.

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of The Pedantic Premading Panda!


The problem with being pedantic is that we’re correct.

Whereas those who are not are, by their very nature, incorrect.

Hahahaha this guy can’t get over the fact that his community leaders have created scripted addons to skew game ques! It’s cheating!!
All he’s doing is trying to baffle people with bs!
I mean you can’t get any more flagrant cheating than what the little Que synchers have been caught doing!


It seems to me that Hirav just wants to change the topic lol*

edited because I phrased it poorly :slight_smile:

no one…not a single person fell for anything he said. not one person


Maybe, but then why the topic changed from bg premades to some pseudo philosophic argument?

buddy tried to change the topic but no one bought it…here’s a summary
Legit players: que synching using adds ons is cheating
buddy: no its not!
Legit players: yeah buddy, it is!
buddy: look, puppet show!!
Legit players: cool show, still cheating
you: wow, he really bamboozled everyone!

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Well sorry if maybe I phrased that poorly (english is not my native language)

I didn’t mean to say “he outsmarted all of you”, just that he wanted to change the topic (because people were calling him out on his cheating) with his bs about “prove that we don’t live in a simulation”, “everyone is biased” and such, and the topic (briefly) derailed into that.

I mean yeah, soon they realized that continuing arguing with him was pointless since he kept going “nuh-uh, I’m right you’re all wrong” about everything lol, which honestly is almost always the “go to” play from cheaters and people that refuse to admit that what they’re doing is wrong.

They’re wrong, addons can’t interact with the queue system.

Blizzard locked the API down in 2012. Do none of you know anything?

2000 posts later and nothing has changed.
at least get good at trolling if you’re going to be dryhumping the forums all day.
there should be a limit for how many times one account can use the quote button.

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How exactly am I “trolling”?

He’s not trolling he’s advocating for change because Que synch dodgers are straight up cheaters!

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im saying since all your drivel and pearl clutching isn’t getting blizz to change anything if you’re going to be on the forums all day you should get good at trolling.