EPIC bg so fun now

actually epic back and forth battle

i hope it stays more this way


So far, so good! I’m having fun in ALL BGs, win or lose! See you on the Battleground!


Yea most fun I’ve had in an Epic BG love that there is danger around every corner. That you can’t just solo guards or zerg a boss. Now you actually have to play the objectives and work as a team.


lol you guys are the only ones who like this. I’m sure the level of complaints will have this nerfed asap.


What is there to complain about? Just curious.

See you on the Battleground :wink:

PvP players like this. This is for PvPers.

The only people who want this nerfed are bots who don’t enjoy PvP.


well its about time they made epics more pvp. it felt like kindergarten of the pvp world.
im glad things are changing there. hopefully they get rid of que-synch cheaters and have it become healthy and enjoyable


Great answers! Strength and Honor!

See you on the Battleground :wink:

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Well said! See you on the Battleground :wink:

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I agree, this is really fun and makes you more careful about running alone.

However, I still wish it wasn’t this op though. NPCs should be strong enough that you need a group to get things done, but not so strong that they one shot you like a mythic boss.

Nah I’m g on that.

Nah, epics are overrun with premades. As someone who only PvPs, this is obnoxious as hell.

Yet you are happy and pve buffs… can’t make this stuff up lol

I disagree. I like the objectives in BGS. The strength of the NPC’s in AV means all we can do is clash mid. What is the point of that?


What does this have to do with what I said? This is a completely different topic and something else that should be addressed if this is happening. Which I thought it was addressed.

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You need to PvP to gather resources to summon the Gods to fight for you. It’s not just a clash mid but you should be fighting over towers, GY and other tactical points.

Objective are only good in a BG if they promote PvP. If you aren’t getting 100’s of HKs in an Epic BG then there is something wrong. It sounds like you want to zerg a boss and avoid PvP. Which isn’t what PvP players are looking for.


dude we had an epic back and forth battle

we won hangar

we got their gate down

got their boss to 75%

they came back, got their keep and wiped us

we came back, wiped them got their keep

got their boss to 50

they came back wiped us

etc etc

this was so much more fun than thie stupid garbage 3 min boss rush crap.

even in IoC the boss is pretty much as good as dead once u start hitting him.

it was fun to see that boss actually feel like a raid boss, where he has enough HP for his team to come aid him


Youre missing my point. everything is so overtuned that there is no point in having objectives. Its basically TM vs SS

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You weren’t making a point. Nothing is overtuned. Guards should 1-3 shot Dps. The objectives should require a “TEAM” What you want is to solo the objectives and win in 7 mins. PvP players don’t want that.

Tanks should have to lure guards away from GY’s so Dps can cap. Healer should have to heal Tanks who are fighting Guards. Heaven forbid teamwork and all the Class roles are needed to achieve an objective.

Right now Epics are the most fun they have ever been because of finally having proper tuning on the NPCs. PvP is happening.


And the sync people are struggling to win lol they are relying on hiding by guards and zerging siege engines to win. Nothing has changed except npc’s are stronger.