Epic BG premades need to be stopped

You do literally every day lol.

I’ll continue to play the game the way I want until I am banned. You will continue to pay $15 a month for me to do so.

Prove it lol

Then continue to prove you are a bad player that needs to exploit to win, instead of crying about people pointing it out.

I doubt it, because historically, Blizzard tends to mess up the mechanics for existing BGs. Just look at Blitz. They’ll make rated Epics, and it’ll be unrecognizable—more like another form of Mythic+ rush rather than true PvP.

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With both mines, you have infinite lives if you don’t let your team mates die more than once per 10 seconds.

Crate on alli, transfer honor to horde or buy recipes / gems directly then put in warband bank.

Because according to people playing epic BG premades they have

or it to be an equal, fair, match, with access to all the same equipment, tools and abilities, so it would be a good demonstration o this in practice, but obviously that’s just a lie because they won’t accept it :slight_smile:

No one beat me in a BG that caused this thread, I left after the score went down by 30 in 25 minutes and didn’t stay for the next 4 hours of the match when hundreds of others left and took deserter, because who wants to ight a fully stacked premade just stalling the game on purpose? I dont, and neither did anyone else on my team.

I remember the exact same excuse when rated BG’s came out in 2011, all the random BG premade players just complained about them not being the same, because players with brains will queue for them, none of the people who farmed undergeared and unorganized players with premades on my server ever broke 1300 in RBG’s back then, the same would happen to rated epics, it’s no longer fun when you’re beating up peoples fresh max level characters, that’s why it needs to be fixed.

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Is it hmjust me or are the goalposts moving here? You started off complaining about losing to defense strats, claiming they’re premades, now you’re implying they’re using 3rd party apps to cheat, and also saying maybe they’re joining the queue at the same time to pull this off. Sounds like you have no evidence anyone did anytjign against TOS at all and are just complaining about losing bgs to turt strats, which have been effective for 20 years lol.

i think he is just trying to pick a fight but only one he can win. kinda sad really.

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No they are premades, I’ve played this game and other games long enough, It’s not hard to recognize when it’s a premade or it isn’t, there is no ‘claim’.

back in 2007 people did used an in game addon to queue sync that has now been banned by blizzard, not implied or was 3rd party, you can easily find info on it.

They are, if everyone queues in the same server tick they have a much higher chance to be on the same team because that’s how teams fill.

There’s evidence everywhere, all over the forums, discord communities dedicated to it, and players that participate in it deending these threads with their lives because they are afraid of not being able to pvp without having an unfair advantage like

which is truly sad, to be such a pathetic loser you can only enjoy pvp when having a stacked premade team to bully randoms, and cant be successful at any other game mode in all of the game :frowning:

imma call it, that’s a mild EF1 tilt

Yes. By the way this post will summon the same people who get kicks from abusing sync queues, farm honor, and gatekeep new players/pvpers from playing pvp. They annouce the forums posts in their discords and show up en masse to downplay how annoyed the non-sync queuer’s are with the system


And it’s going to be the same people that will come and tell others “we’re not like them” “we’re better” “but we wont stop stomping randoms anyway but we’re not like them fyi” :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Premades Farming pugs has been destroying pvp fun for way too long.


Solo or premade I do what I must; doesn’t matter it’s what I feel like doing on my free time. I expect everyone to be the same keep your minds occupied instead of crying in tears and grieving in forums on a none rated match. Have fun!


Alright Inemia why are you falsely reporting my post? Did it touch a nerve?

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Love coming back to this thread and OP getting the flags he deserves. Apparently thaedreu too. There is justice in the world.

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You’re a fool if you think there is justice in the world. But’s it’s very obvious you are very immature, and you don’t even understand justice. Spam reporting things you don’t agree with to abuse an automated system is childish and immature.

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This is really sad. I was in an Alterac Valley yesterday we got GY farmed by a premade, losing 0 to 700. Some players started calling out others for not having full honor gears.

The lower-geared players were at very lower honor levels, so I guess they’re either new to the game or new to PvP. The bg chat got insanely toxic. I can only imagine how frustrated those new players must have been.

Statistically, both sides are bound to have some low-geared players in ebg. They need to play bgs to get full honor gears. Sadly premades just exploit that.


Pot meet kettle.

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Its only statistically viable if its random. When they sync queue that chance drops so very very low. i have recommended the game to friends who quit the game in its entirety in EBGs because of premade sync queues. They didnt know what it was or why it happened but it made them quit. New players don’t have an attachment to the game and wont persevere through the rubbish the rest of us will.