Epic BG premades need to be stopped

There’s mad “griefing” going on 24/7… Most of the premades filled with annoying neckbeards, covered in Dorito dust almost always have mages on the opposite team now queing with merc… Every single game its something now… The ally are getting the AA and one of our mages throws up an ice wall on the stairs so now we can’t get in there before they cap AA; “Oops”, or the same spy on our team will grab the AA and then run straight to the ally base and die so ally can get the AA… Ice walls in front of horde (again, by our own teammate) at the top of hangar hill so were delayed on the road getting up there, ice walls at SR team fights right when we’ve all popped cools and its blatantly obvious the merc spies are doing it in exactly the right spot to maximize our loss of DPS in team fight… I’ve noticed that this really ramped up big time during the last Tarren Mill terror a month back or so… A player would have to be BRAINDEAD to put the ice walls up where they’re putting them over & over & over again hamstringing our entire team so its obviously intentional… Its real easy to pull off… You’re all in VC queing at the same time with the same countdown and you’ve got a few mages with merc-buff who’ve quede with their other 37 teammates… “POP! You mercs pop?” “Yep, two of us got it LOL!! We’re in!! rofl!” Its totally despicable, lowest of the low… as grief + cheating as grief + cheating gets…

There are probably many preamade mages doing it just to do it for a laugh; but I’d be willing to bet that some of them are doing this under pressure from premade, team leaders as well. “Who’s going to merc-buff-spy and take a few losses for our team tonight?” so they feel compelled by peer pressure to do it… etc etc


To all the premades that were on last night…

My god… just do wargames. Oh wait you rather stomp pugs for 3-5 hours in a row rather than actually challenge yourselves… :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

AV mage griefers (spys LOL) ashran some trash caster picks the AA runs into the mid of them and just gave them for free…

Like what are you guys doing?


Spies are a thing of the past. Even if they get into their target community all they’re going to hear is loud music, how much management smokes, and what we made for dinner :stuck_out_tongue:

Xyrtran as multiple leaders have already stated many times in this forum, wargames require a lot of planning. Then there’s no shows, etc. Most of the communities are casual, you roll up at prime time, type a 1 for an invite, play as long as you want, log off. There’s no planning, no making sure we have x amount of heals or tanks, etc.

Don’t waste your time trying to show the rules to Hirav. He and others do not care.

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The open world is my epic BG.

If its the weekly quest I might suffer epic BGs, but usually I ignore that quest, soo boring its painful lol.

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They do try and do this as much as they can.

Sometimes i’ve been in one where all our towers are down with our last gy capped not a single alliance in the base when they have like 3 tanks and they just choose not to kill vann when we have 50 reinforcements left just to as you would say “grief the game” cause thats really what it was at that point.


Burnings towers is what we do. :smiley:

You’re the one malding about 40 man epic bg premades. Why would they fight a 10v10 in that situation? Simplest solution would be to match them for a 40v40 war game, especially since you

Game design problem. Casual epics have their place and well fought team on team epics are some of the best fun in PvP. As it stands, the design forces the casuals and premades into each other leading to the massive imbalance and very rare close match ups.

Wargames aren’t a solution, they’re awful to organise. Sync queuing goes against the intended casual play, or else raid queues would be enabled.

Spiking sync queues and introducing rated epics with raid enabled and big participation rewards to induce solo and party queuers in as well (reducing inevitable queue wait times) could be a solution to separating the groups and making everyone happy.

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If the sync queue people only have to fight each other they will quit playing. And that’s a good thing.


I think epics are in general badly designed for a losing side. Most of the time it’s a waste of time to stay after losing the first team fight. That’s why people rather play in a premade. Not only it’s fun to win, but it’s also fun to lose in a premade, because at least you know the leader and people on your team tried.

I think Blizzard should create some motivation to stay after the first team fight, like they can still give 1/4 of the conquest and if the gate is at least brought to 75%, or one town is down. So at least there is motivation to pile up into one tower and at least do that.


They have become that way because blizzard doesn’t keep working on them. The exploiter’s have simply made that worse because they zerg the one good objective or zerg the boss for the quick easy win.

Lol, beating you in a BG isn’t against the ToS. That is a ridiculous assertion that is frankly hard to take seriously.

Reading comprehension is hard for you guys isn’t it.

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Not as hard as it is for you to accept that you lost a BG lol.

I don’t care when I lose a bg bud. I more care that people are exploiting and making them not fun. Logically it’s you and your ilk that have a hard time accepting losses because you exploit to win.

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Seriously, is the OP Alliance complaining about losing to the Horde and not getting gear? You have crates from zones that are Alliance-dominated! My neglected Alliance toons are almost fully geared just from camping those crates.

Next whiner please!

Then why are you always crying about it?

Report them then instead of complaining everyday lol?

Never once cried about losing a bg.

Because report has really fixed the game… how about you play the game fair like everyone else.