dude there’s no secret addon, stop with the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories…you’re the same dude that thinks people are premading battleground blitz. let you guys know that this guy throws out some wild statements on the bg forums. dont take him seriously
I could really care less about pvp but if this anonymous reddit user actually wanted to make a change (if the story is even true / they are who they say they are) and they have access to the alleged “secret” addons:
leak it on github and then link it, instantly prove it’s real.
Please provide a publicly available link to the addons in use and let us decide whether they do or do not break the rules.
the addon is literally on Curseforge. it’s called community flare.
It’s clear that isn’t the only addon being used. Why lie? The information is already out there.
I think most would agree that if you’re going to accuse someone of this type of thing the burden of proof lies on you
Clearly it isn’t if you’re here asking for it.
The anon user should leak the addon on github, or it’s just some dumb story used to cope with losing ig
Blizzard supports queue syncing to allow full premades against 100% solo pugs. They consider it “playing with friends” and reward it as behavior they would like to see more of. That’ll teach those noobs to do the same!
True story: Back during BfA I belonged to a Legion capped PvP community that has some twinks, and some non-twinks. We never did queue sync-ing and only queued as 5 man parties. But it was very common to find two of our groups in the same bg against all solo pugs. I figured that was not a coincidence.
Sorry, I’m not going to be pigeon holed in this thread. The abuse is clear regardless of the method.
The reddit thread got nuked that showcased the details. Venruki reviewed it on stream. At 5:18 you can see the details.
The details of the existence of the addon is already out there. The actual addon though is not available… which is the issue.
ok? Doesn’t really change anything about the burden of proof lmao
this does not prove anything
At 5:15 the stream hasn’t started. At 5:15:00 he’s doing transmog. Real big addon conspiracy deep within the transmog I guess
Well, until someone leaks it, this is all just hypothetical rambling
Queue sync-ing full raid groups has been a problem forever. This addon situation you describe to us may have exacerbated it, but it’s not like it wouldn’t still be a problem until Blizzard decided to make major changes.
Gimme a TL;DR version plz.
But also none of us can do anything about an alleged exploit.
i would say that reddit post is looking for points or the op would blast the maker. and drop the add on info for it and if its true they are calling themselves out on the exploit using the addon
At 05:18:00
Thankfully, I’m not here to convince you.
For sure. These addons go all the way back to BC. Before I even knew how to play the game, I used one with one of these premade groups. I didn’t quite understand what was going on at the time, but quickly left the group once I realized what was happening.
That said, if these addons are in use and break the rules, it makes an easy pathway to ban these players.
Hard to TLDR, but players are abusing the queue system to stack one side. Some are using addons which are not available to the public, which is against the rules. Even ignoring that, these groups actively grief the BGs they join and often farm players for hours in the GY. During this time, 100s of players can join and leave and all of them get penalized for leaving. Griefing breaks the rules.
They originally did, but that broke the forum rules. They reposted, but that was also removed.
They could make the graveyards immune to damage to players who rez there like they did in Tol Barad. It’s not like this is new technology.
Yea, would help. I would extend that and if anything, give players coming out of the GY a bit of a buff even. Sitting on the GY should be dangerous for the other thing. Or… better yet. Give the players who want to camp GYs a debuff.
Something like…
Touch of the dead - Player takes X increased damage for being close to the graveyard. Stacks to 10.
Or something silly like that.
(Disclaimer: I haven’t done as much research as OP into this and am largely going off my own PoV. For what it’s worth I’ve also spent about 20+ hours on both random and rated PvP in the last week.)
The concern: I think the concern is warranted for Random BGs and Random Epic BGs. There is by far and large a stark difference when you queue for 2s and Rated Blitz than ‘Random’ BGs/Epic BGs. I didn’t believe it when I first got told that rated would be easier, but it is at this moment even on PvP ilvl 638 gear.
root cause: genuinely still think this is unknown. Back in the RUIN gaming days it would be just making groups through guild+ community but it’d be pretty obvious.
I see the Reddit post and I see the stream by Venruki but I don’t see how it works to group/dodge bad groups. I think more of a deep dive into these addons is needed to come to a conclusion.
With that said there is a problem and I’d like to see it solved. Otherwise….I mean no biggie I’ll just do rated instead.
It’s mostly them tracking a few (or many) players in the other premades. They’ll wait until the other group is in a BG and then queue OR they’ll send a scout in to check a queue and see if it’s okay for everyone else to join.
In some cases, they’ll join and see it’s another premade and simply leave. I have had this happen to me quite a few times. Roughly 30+ people left at the start of an IOC. Because the match had just started, it’s basically any automatic loss. Might take 5-10+ minutes for your side to fill. In the mean time, everyone that joins is also given a loss. So, do you take the loss and waste 15 minutes or more, or just leave and take deserter? If you’re queued for arena or blitz, you’ll be kicked out of those queues as well. Well, maybe you stay and the premade decides they don’t want to win and instead just farm you.
Either way the players not in the premade are getting screwed on multiple fronts.
I question the existence of these addons but for the sake of argument, let’s say they are real and Blizzard bans them.
Ok, now what? Everyone just goes back to doing what they were doing before, regular queue syncing lol.
Well, if they ‘do’ exist, then it would be a violation of the rules and the players could be banned. Even if they don’t exist, the issues still doesn’t change and solutions were offered.