Epic battleground is died

Blizzard games never dies eventually it’ll be Epic Battlegrounds: Resurrected in the near future… in year 2070… :older_man: & :older_woman: … and you all be :older_adult: :baby: :baby_bottle: :face_holding_back_tears: :wine_glass:ing

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and zero people have been actioned for syncing ques after all these years. almost like its not an exploit.

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this is the dumbest thing ive read here.

What is a “Technical Limitation” if not prohibiting?

Technical limitation is things the devs did not thought of and were not implemented in the game but that does not mean that they are prohibited in case you find a way to do them

Like que in separated 5 people group to get inside the bg

Now prohibited stuff are things that the devs did thought of or they learned that that stuff are possible in the process and they said that that stuff are prohibited usually in 100% of the cases there are penalties in doing that stuff

But there are no penalties in que sync despite the fact that they know about this problem

So yes maybe thats not how things meant to work but the devs know about that and do nothing to fix it
So yeah que sync are not prohibited

Agreed 100%… But 5, not even 10 players… The top 5 players from each premade (if they legally qued together into 35 pugs) playing against 40 pugs would win 99% of the time. You don’t even need 10… You’d get the same exact outcome with 5. Then what? Everyone would be calling for solo queing only for epics I guess.

ok stop syncing then lol


That’s the real crux of it… The key words in my comment are “against 40 pugs”… These same top 5 players don’t want to que into a 40 person premade either cause it’ll be a loss. My point was that even if Blizzard fixed the system completely to stop que-syncing, the top 5 of each premade legally queing into 35 pugs would still roll 40 pugs on the opposite team most of the time, they don’t need 35 additional “premaders” to do it.

The top 5 of each premade legally queing into 35 pugs would still roll 40 pugs

No they wouldn’t.

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Easily would…

Then they’d be fine queing as 5 instead of 15+.

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It assumes ALL pugs are trash.

But your scenario is how it should be done.

Grab 5 players and chain queue.

I’m pretty sure devs thought about putting a limit on the queue which is why it says “not allowed” when trying as a raid.

This limit is intentional for fair play.

You just admit that it is circumventing a limit imposed by the devs.

You think it is “clever use of game mechanics” when it is just “exploit a flaw in the mechanic”


You don’t even need 5 players. All you need is a competent leader in bgs and people will follow. Now the other half of that coin is if people actually follow a leader. Most pug games we all know it is just a big dumpster fire. Hence why communities have become so popular.


A lead is important, and a good lead can lead pugs to victory.


the que system was created before the premades and included all the bgs in 1 que when they separated the bgs they didnt change the system they just changed the bg that this system will offer to the players
i explained it yesterday
the places that you can que as raid are not totaly random and the number of players there does not change
for example you can que rbgs as a raid but all the bgs in the rbg que system is a 10v10 bgs
you can que to raids but raids are flexible enough to deal with the different numbers of players
but when you que random bgs as a raid the que system must be able to sort the bgs that will proc in accordance to the amount of players in that 1 raid group so you dont proc as a 40 man raid to ashran where only 35 players in a raid
and adding that function to the system is a work
and again blizzard dont care enough to do that work

well thats exactly what premades do they lead pugs to victory then they drop link to the community in the instance chat the pugs join to the community and start evolving to the next level of gameplay

I get it, they have to fix their queue system one way or another.

But as you said they’d have to limit the raid queue to lowest number possible (35? Ashran) or make all epic BG 30v30. Allow raids up to 30.

Done it before and those are super fun games. Easier to do on Alliance than Horde though that is 100% fact.

and again that is a work
but blizzard dont care about random bgs to do that work

I find it more satisfying on the underdog faction. I went Alliance when horde was dominating, then back to horde when racial changed and Alliance started dominating.

You could almost say the faction I play on ends up dominating. :laughing:

i had lots of great and close pug games yesterday.

some of the best this season.

but premaders wouldn’t know that since they win every game with no resistance.