Epic battleground is died

“These same top 5 players don’t want to que into a 40 person premade either cause it’ll be a loss.”

It won’t be a loss. It just won’t be a 99% win-rate like you suggest. It’d probably be closer to 50/50, which is too spooky for these PvP guilds

No, that’s not it at all. You’re missing the point. If the 5 top players from a premade community broke off and tried to “do the right thing” leading 35 pugs to victory… now they’re faced with 6 premades that are still rolling 40 large in VC that don’t want to do the right thing. Because of this, no ones ever going to do the right thing. It’s like a gang/turf war that will never stop.


It’s funny watching you descend into delusion in real time. Crazy how you used to call this out. It’s very reminiscent of a certain DK in your new ‘elite’ group.

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So 5-man groups will “roll pugs 99% of the time”, so it doesn’t matter how many in a PvP guild try to queue together … but at the same time, they’ll also “lose every match to people still exploiting the system”, so that’s why no one sticks to 5-man groups.

The point is that your justifications for premade groups doesn’t make sense.


"So 5-man groups will “roll pugs 99% of the time” - correct
"but at the same time, they’ll also “lose every match to people still exploiting the system” - most, yep
“so that’s why no one sticks to 5-man groups” - You got it! :pray: :ok_hand:

It’s circular logic, though.

You’re arguing you exploit the system because other people do, and they’ll argue they exploit the system because you do. And casual players are the ones affected by it


thats the role of the casual players in every mmo game they take the hit and affected by the things that other stronger communities do
accept it and keep play casually or evolve create you own communities and try to dictate your own rules
like the bgs and the world doesnt spin around the pugs they are just a gray mass for quantity

Or the people causing the issues could stop shutting down and trying to control the discussions.

I hope Blizzard does finally address it.


blizzard aware of the problem atleast for 12 years if not more and they did nothing
but hope dies last right?

And then they introduced delves, which was the single best thing for solo players.

Casual PvP is for solo players or small groups. You want to force out solo players by forcing them to have to join mobbish-like communities. I think if the solo community keeps highlighting the issue – Blizzard will address it.


not sure about it unrated pvp content is a passing stage like you play there to gear and you should move next to the rated content it doesnt meant to be an end game content where people play constantly
and as you can see they do a lot for solo players in that rated content even when it harms and even kills the rated group content like the blitz killed the rbg

so maybe just stop being a casual and move next?

Fixed that for ya.


it doesnt meant to be an end game content where people play constantly

Then why are premades in there? You’re literally just admitting that casual, unrated PvP is a place where players are supposed to go to gear and learn the game.

so maybe just stop being a casual and move next?

Or maybe stop ruining solo places because you’re afraid of rated PvP?


because rated pvp doesnt provide a game mod where you can play with more than 2 freinds
for example me im playing the game since cata and i have a lot of old good freinds that we used to play with togheter first in world pvp then in rbgs and so on
but slowly blizzard killed every group content in pvp

so the only place where i can play with more than 2 people is random bgs

and i just want to remind that we play an mmorpg and you should play this games as groups and guild communities and so on and not be restricted to just 2 freinds in a time

you want to play solo thats your right but dont expect someone to do anything for you and especially dont blame anyone
im sorry to ruin your vision of the world but you are not the target audience of this type of games


What you’re asking for is everyone else to accommodate the way you want to play the game. And you’ve already admitted it’s an exploit to play the game the way you want to.


It’s more personal than tactical, but on the whole I’m in full agreement. Why play (with or against) people and teams that you think are a bunch of jerks? I want to play with people that I like. I want to avoid people I don’t. I’ve only recently joined this quirky EBG world, but I can tell you that you could turn off every add-on in existence and I still won’t play with or against certain people if there is any way for me to avoid it. Winning or losing aside, for me it’s about the experience of playing with a group and enjoying the experience. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. I couldn’t care less. I’m having fun with the people I want to have fun with, and that’s why I’m here.

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im not asking just forcing
it might be not ethical but there is nothing illegal
dont blame the premades they dont break any rules
you want to change something try talking to blizzard but they dont care
so there are some ways to solve your problem
1 you just can quit that trash game
2 you can create or join your own community
3 you can evolve and start to play solo rated content
4 you can quit pvp and punch dummies in pve

you dont want to do any of this its your right but dont expect some one else to solve your problems for you
at the end of the day both premades and solo players pay their subscription
and if premades want to play bgs in one way and the solo players want other way
well survival of the fittest (isnt it the main rule of every pvp?)

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Or I can continue playing EBGs solo, taking my wins and losses, and highlighting how premade groups are ruining casual PvP.

If you truly believed there was no risk of Blizzard addressing this, then these threads wouldn’t be filled with premade guild members trying to shut them down.


I like how this man thinks.

Solo for life!

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