Epic battleground is died

That’s not the argument. Blizzard themselves said randoms is not for large organized groups to “pug stomp”.

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I have, you are wrong.

No one is queueing as a raid, sync queueing doesn’t magically allow raids to queue.

Where they said that?
Is there any blue post?

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.
This is the last blizzard blue post we got about the subject.
(https: //www .bluetracker.gg /wow/topic/us-en/7200052820-joinbattlefield -post-51-part-2/)
Remove the spaces.

You are syncing multiple groups in order to form a large organized group in the battleground.

But a raid is not queueing.

Never said you where, because you can’t. The sync queueing is bypassing that.

Yes you did.

The sync queue is not bypassing anything, groups of up to 5 players can queue together, which is what is happening, what the system decides to do with groups in the queue is up to Blizzard.

Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean I said what you think I said.

Party sync que doesn’t guarantee 100% but guess what 5/10 bsg will play it or even solo que it on epic. yeaah you all can catch me solo in most games regardless primetime or not kek

‘so by doing that’ = ‘queueing as a raid’

It’s not my fault that you are inaccurate with your words.

Well that like 12 years old post there was a lot of changes since then and nothing solved the premades problem
And you know not meant doesn’t mean forbidden or breaking the rules the fact that in 12 years they didn’t solve the problem says that they don’t really care

Why does the age matter? We have got no other blizzard blue posts about it so that’s what stands.

You are inaccurate with your comprehension.

You haven’t got a single Blizzard blue post about it.

Daxxarri is an employee and works on Hearthstone now.

Because the amount of time between the acknowledge of the problem to the solution of the problem show how much they care of the problem if they wanted to they could end premades tomorrow
But they did nothing in 12 years they added ashran separated the small and the big bgs and that’s it
They dont really care about the premade problem
And if they don’t care why should we care?

I just posted one.

I just posted one lol

So, with that logic any blue post older then today doesn’t mean anything.

From an employee on an off company site.

Not at the time the blue post was posted.