EP Attunement?

Blizzard, it’s not cool that you have to have done a week and a half of Nazjatar questing to get into the raid. Luckily my raid had 2 ppl that could get to the meeting stone and summon the rest of the raid. Hotfix this crap, NOW!

Please keep in the attunement. I enjoyed the story for the zone and it does add more immersion to the game. Even then, people can summon around it so it’s not that big of a deal, specially since there has been 2 weeks of prep time before the raid came out to get the quests done.


Thank god you weren’t around to see BC attunements, you mighta threw yourself in a lake.

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They simply don’t care. I posted about this over a week ago to get a confirmation and no replies.

I mean … as far as attunements go… this isn’t that bad.

Still would have been nice to know if it truly is required for entering. I had no idea there was one.

Use the secret entrance: https://www.wowhead.com/news=292784/azsharas-eternal-palace-secret-entrance

That does not work it has been confirmed by players you still need to do the rep and quest chain

It’s nor really an attunement its just finishing the storyline quest. Nothing like BC attunments.

Technically you had to throw yourself in a lake, to get fragments

Used to have to do an atunment to get the key for shattered halls.

Also accurate

If it’s anything like Legion, our alts and some mains will be just fine. Meaning they won’t need to finish the questlines just to enter the raid.

If each toon MUST finish the questlines to even enter the raid, that’s beyond backwards fudgetardery.

Hmm, I could see it being a bit of an issue if you physically couldn’t enter the raid without having completed the quests

But you can just get summoned? If like nobody in your raid group has even completed the Nazjatar quests then I dunno yo, seems more an issue with your raid group than anything :woman_shrugging: