Ever play with Addicts United guild?
My Peeps And Loot the hounds!
What the f@#k, Unregistered? You gank my name but don’t even have the decency to make it a rogue?
Revinance#1527 get at me
Ival! I still have your videos
Talkurt NE Hunter in Dachaos, Will be Talkurt on Pagle. Love seeing all the old names!
Hello! I played the druid Maiomi. I was a boomchicken ysho brought for one day in BWL to make the mages happy til they had me go healer. I also was the GF of az. but that has been ages ago. I still keep up with sardax. I will be rollling on Pagle as well. Going back to my roots as a druid name maiomi. lol
I played a Druid name maiomi
Guilds- Smallville, Lords of destiny, Champions of Hyrule, Holy Carnage. Seeing if any of my old friends are still around.
I played on Eonar for forever!
Kagomechan was my main
In Dee Dee Dee
Ambassadors of Hyrule
Second Attempt
I can’t even remember the rest of my guilds. Gosh I miss this server. I’m on Fairbanks! I miss all of you!
Lol i just sent you a friend request my dude!
can’t log in to fairbanks tonight, too full lol will try tomorrow
toon name was sirpats warrior if anyone still pa
lays and remembers me hir me up
Hi there, I’m always confused as to which realm I started on as alliance…it was either this one or Boulderfist.
I was a NE hunter named Addictive, and a human mage named Lovi.
Everything was all kind of a blur back then, so I’m curious if anyone remembers me at all lol
Hi everyone!
Thorgrim, dwarf fury warrior.
Was part of the founding members of Alliance of Fire.
Raided MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx together with Knights of the Wild – Order of Seven – Smirking Revenge under the name KAOS Alliance.
I’ve already spotted Thran, Casket, Nord, Sreg and Woj in this thread. Hi guys!
Are there any other old Alliance of Fire members still alive out there?
Names that come to mind:
Derleek, Tajel, Holda, Freyja, Vonbek, Feldegar, Dharkhand, Luxington, Omaha, Bedrzich, Selrahc, Aizenmyoo, Markos, Connor, Sidel, Drakeon, Malladin, Aofgandolf, Kaierra, Procks, Phokus, Mendya, Blaizer, Oakshis, Jinxie, Morangie, Ember, Princeps, Quaymar, Tristin, Naughtyangel, Healinglight, Sabeth, Ssamus, Bram, Melissenya, Dravik, Galinda, Farimer, Sebrewski, Shrada, Zasekina, Faloon, Ozzasun, Medi, Mornstar, Slayergnome, Xandra, Kadmett, Tubbie, Bouncy, Neelzix, Rakaiah ?
Slaine from Redeemed Souls?
My fellow warriors from KAOS: Drix, Borumha, Dicotstem
Big wave and kudos to my old respected horde enemies from the Blagtoof Wartribe!
Grishnak, Kederessa, Raventears, Yulagh, Gorbadz, Yorga, Bathizar, Drondar, wherever you are, hope you are all doing well!
Good times, i still got lots of nostalgic screenshots from those days.
Any members from Knights ofthe Realm? Those people were cool.
Drix was the *hit if I am remembering him right…one of the top guys you wanted to tank your PUG if you had a chance…I’m sure he knew…always seemed quiet, cocky and a bit impatient for n00b play. Lol
I’d love to know how everyone’s experience has been so far playing the revival with all these more recent players experiencing a more “demanding” gaming experience.
Hey! Great to see you on this board! (It’s ashpie). Hope you’ve been well, are you planning on playing? I was going to do a little fun lvling to see how I’m liking it.
My name was Monamour on Alliance - NE rogue in the guild Trilogy (only played in vanilla) I remember out guild leader was Starla - shout out to papps, stormpeak, silvanus, the mighty ysho, cloaked, ptolmey, johnthegood, malden, greenwarrior and anyone else i used to play with!
I was Omatic… was a mildly contentious figure back then, pretty competitive and a little too direct sometimes. Didn’t even make it to the end of TBC, and also did the transfer to Arygos. Remember a lot of you, esp those that were in Synergy/Rev.
Hope I stick around but very possible that I get bored or burnt out… I’ll be on Sulfuras.
Thought that name looked familiar. After founding Legacy we moved over to Arygos. I’m messing around on Westfall alliance side in Classic.
Whoops, that was me. Stupid thing picked a random alt on a different server to post?