Eonar Alliance Reconnections

I remember a lot of your names, it’s like 15 years and I see the names and go yeah, good tank, good pvper, mage is good but not as good as me lol! Any of you remember old AV games that went on for like 4 days. One AV I remember I had over 1100 killing blows and like 3k honor kills? I remember playing for a very long block, was so tired and went to bed, queued for pvp in the morning and got back into the same AV game. The good old days!

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I remember logging on as soon as AV was available, playing for HOURS, going to bed, waking up, logging on to play AV and the same game was still going on.

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I left Uldum and moved to Eonar after vanilla. I can’t remember guild names for the life of me, but I played a feral druid Valdis, a shadowpriest Ankou, and this mage. Hope to see some old friends.

Hey all, I used to go by Merdrid, human warrior, and played on Eonar up until Legion. During classic I was in House of Fallen Angels, Warriors of the Night, Catharsis, and I recognize a couple names on here so glad to see everyone’s doing alright.

hey guys I played a gnome mage Puffnstuff, a spriest Elektryo, and a rogue pharroh, still looking for ysho and sardax, mofeux, meepster Doc and the rest

hey dude …I played a gnome mage Puffnstuff :stuck_out_tongue:

The First Fleet - Officer
Kireliiz - NE Prot Warrior
Sprokit - Gnome Mage

Infallible - Founder
Kireliiz - NE Prot Warrior

./wave @ Holy Carnage :sunglasses:


Pharroh, good to see you bro! Takes me back to the Army of the Alliance days before HC. Are you still in touch with any of the Arygos crew?

Night Elf Hunter.
Saints of Elune.
Its been so long I don’t remember any non-IRL friends names.

Any fellas from Surreal still around?

Cloaked - Gnome Rogue
Crazy seeing familiar names so many years later.
Torched - Gnome Mage; says hi


Synister - Dwarf Rogue

I remember Myrmidon Order, leveling with Otep the fem mage, and Odgen my dwarf paladin friend.

Evil Empire


Ivalicen - Human Mage various roles in guilds for Vanilla: Ascendance/Oprichnina and Catalyst were main ones for PvE. PvP’d with Sumatro, Malachi, and that whole team who competed against the Horde trying to get Grand Marshal, only got to Marshal myself, which was an absolute crazy grind. I remember great times learning, growing, and competing in the game. So many people and its cool to see some familiar names. I was a huge a-hole with a big ego just like any kid sitting behind a keyboard who felt the rush of the game in those early years. Making a toon on Pagle and hope to see some of y’all there. This whole thing will be such an interesting social experiment…

Anyone feel free to message me looking to reconnect. Cheers!

Team Banezz…

You guys playing classic ?

You remember ret pally but healer for raids…Klamante? He doesn’t have the balls to post LOL, but he is going to login for classic revival. I’ve been keeping him in the loop on happenings here. He logs in once in a blue moon currently. (That’s all I know for surreal folks that haven’t already posted!)

Thadigitaldj? Wow, I used to be Morphling … then I think it was Anemia if anyone here remembers. Loooooong time!!!

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I was in Ascendance too under Morphling / Anemia. I was also big in the Grandmarshall hunt. Not sure I recognize your name though.

Unlikely - Undead Rogue

Beefo on Eonar NE Hunter Main, Beefino Mage, Scatman Warrior
Started with Crimson Plague and Raided with Champions of the Realm. Will be probably rolling on a PvP Realm! Battletag Beefo#1247 so funny to see all the names on here again!

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