Envoker Hot Take is Missing Something "Tanking"

There are plenty of tanky dragons, anyone denying that doesn’t really know what they’re talking about. And while Dracthyr aren’t dragons, they are part dragon and have inherited that given their scales.

No but it blows the whole “Dracthyr don’t fight in melee because they are perfect Supersoldiers” argument up that we heard for the last 5 months on why we don’t have more classes. Which is all I really want.


Yeah blizzard isn’t going to do anything like that… :rofl:

If they release a new class next expansion it better be a tank, or better yet give demon hunters a third spec, give shamans a tanking spec, or give dracthyr a tanking spec.

By next expansion I mean the one after dragonflight lol

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People are never happy. They’ll get over it.


Tank specs could easily be added to multiple existing classes and to Evoker
There’s nothing wrong with adding more specs
Ideally we’ll have a day where all classes can have enough specs to be any role they want

Paladin, DK, Warrior, DH Monk 5 of the 13 classes can be tanks, that’s almost half the classes being tank.

We don’t need another tank class.

And if I were to suggest any class being a tank class, I’d aim for enhance shaman mostly cause you could make it work with totems

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That’s nice. But it still doesn’t justify evokers getting a tank spec when we have been told repeatedly they are not tanks and will not be tanks.

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You’d think they would drop a new class every expansion. New class is more time played, more boosts, more money for blizzard

I’m talking about spec numbers, not class numbers
And regardless it doesn’t matter
There’s nothing wrong with more tanks, or any role for that matter.

Give Warlock a tank spec, and mage too

where did you get that data?
there are 6 tank classes (DH,Monk,dk,warr, pala, druid)
yet there are only 5 Heal classes. (Monk, Pala, Priest, shaman, druid)

The game doesn’t need any more hybrid classes…

Yes, make classes completely meaningless :roll_eyes:

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why would you want another tank or melee the oversuturated things in wow. the games so oversturated with melee its funny. lets see dk’s brought melee tank dh’s brought melee tank and guess what dracthyr bring something the game needs more than tanks healers but ya i just want to cry cause i don’t care about what the game reaaly needs just what i want.

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Because I like tanking and a Dragonborn tank sounds cool (and looks cool too tbh).


Tank: 6
Ranged: 11
Melee: 13
Healer: 6

For the 3rd time now, referring to spec data not class data

so the game don’t need no more tanks it needs healers more and they fix that. it ain’t bad to not always get what you want.

You gotta get the D&D race out of your head. Drac’thyr are not that.

And we are getting a new healer. Not sure why you think we wouldn’t get Evoker healer if we also got Evoker tank. Monk had both.

your wrong and statment is completely invald “pallys druids monks” evoker be add to list tanks isnt bad thing tbh the hunter melee spec should been added back in legion and reason you’er wrong is we wait for both because tanking and healing are stressful jobs and take skill to play tbh a tank takes way more skill to play then a healer manage mana and watch 4 hp bars and you’re own tank move mobs grab aggro watch ect ect ect things do all these mechcanics tanks juggle more things then a single healer there 5 of you in a raid compair 2 of tanks normally wait on a tank in lfr why because of a taunt swap mechcanics or stacking dot so who fault is that really oh wait blizzard

Reading this makes me feel faint and out of breath.

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