Entry level pvp gear

Honestly, it’s not that hard to push that 158 gear to 197. Should take you a few days max… I’m already at 5 pieces of 197 noob gear and I’ve been pvping casually in random BGs. I have many more losses than wins as alliance and I’m doing okay.

I’m more worried about the conquest gear because I’m playing a generally weak spec (feral bleed) and don’t have a lot of rated pvp experience to show my worthiness.

Yes, I don’t want to do ranked pvp in order to enjoy unranked pvp. How much more clear can I be.

Though I don’t see how I’d be penalizing anyone (except people who want to keep their ilevel advantage to stomp on players like me).

Also, stop comparing two different modes of gameplay as if they’re the same thing.

People like you though want to see people like me, who don’t enjoy dealing with ranked pvp for gearing up, penalized.


You don’t want to put in the effort, or the grind, and want people to be at the same level as you. You don’t see how it is penalizing?

That’s like saying we shouldn’t raise the minimum wage, because it would be penalizing people who worked their way up from $7 an hour to $12 an hour.

It’s people like you who are against what should be common sense policies and ideas.

Needing to bring up minimum wage for argument because you are lazy to grind gear. Funny.

Bringing up mythic 0 dungeons. You’re one to talk. Troll

Blizzard shot themselves in the foot by creating this ilvl inflation. They think that as a player, you’d only work harder to get the high ilvl gear if it has insane stats. When in reality if we 3-4 ilvls brackets total this season, players will still work as hard to get those +2 intellect and +3 agility on their gear.

It’s as if Blizzard designed this system only considering players that started on the first day of the expansion and continued their gearing journey week by week. Not considering players that came in late, alts, or players that didn’t stay up to do in general.

Oh bringing up an example from within the same game is troll. Lol… My lord, why do you kids want everything handed to you and free.

Yeah it sucks when the pvp players with a 40+ ilvl advantage hunt low ilvl players for the one shot with no chance against them or the fact level 60’s routinely party synch into low level brackets because it is the only way they can kill anything.

But it’s still better than the sad joke of everything PVE.

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I reject your framing that I only want things handed to me for free. I farmed many hours for that honor gear. I’d like it to be good enough for the mode of content that I played for hours on end. That should make sense to anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together.

And NOW I will flip your framing onto you. YOU are the one who wants free handouts… You want a non-skill-based advantage over other players because YOU are too lazy to farm out the skill and effort of being better than other players on an even playing field.

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Waahh, I don’t want to put the effort into the grind of getting more powerful so I want to penalize the people who do.

At least I’m putting in the grind to get that. Whereas you want to do literally nothing and be given everything with participation points.

Broken record, and didn’t even respond to my post rejecting your stupid framing = troll. Move along now

You said nothing of value. What was I going to actually respond to?

I already put in a grind bish. Ranked pvp shouldn’t be needed on top of that to be competitive in random bgs.

Honor grind is a joke lol. Fast and easy, and you want to be BIS from that. :clown_face:

But how would a lvl 10 classic character know this?

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Lawl. Is that your best response?

I will just repeat this until it sinks into your tiny brain and you give a proper response to that, or you go away.

You pathetic level 10 troll.

They need to fix gear disparity so the game becomes more competitive and healthy, and accessible to new players/alts. And most importantly, more skill-based and less gear-based.

Hopefully this will keep the Sweat LORDS at bay from their typical bs by saying “You just have to grind it bruh” because they play 70 more hours/week than the average player.

And also, while we’re at it. Give us SOLO QUEUE, Blizzard.

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Where is this ‘should’ coming from? Your entitled opinion on how the game should be?